Participants and Teaching Artists on stage in Art of Me at HFC. Photo by Doug Knutson
Participants and Teaching Artists onstage at the Art of Me with Highland Friendship Club. Photo by Doug Knutson.

Dear Friend,

A sincere and enthusiastic thank you to all of the wonderful supporters who donated on Give to the Max Day and in response to the launch of our Fall Fund Appeal! With your generosity, we have raised over $5000 towards our $30,000 Fall Fund Appeal goal! 

If you've been thinking about giving, we have two easy opportunities to help us close our funding gap: 

  • You can also set Upstream Arts as your charitable organization on, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of everything you purchase to our cause.  
Your contribution helps support Upstream Arts in amplifying and activating the voice and choice of individuals with disabilities. In the coming Year of Our Stories, we will continue to offer high quality arts-based programs to individuals of all ages and abilities and to showcase our community through events and performances while offering trainings and advocacy that help to build a more inclusive world. 
Check out the powerful stories of our everyday experiences at Upstream Arts from the last year. Click here to read our 2016-17 Annual Report. We are excited to continue to share the beautiful stories that make up our lives and work.  
With immense gratitude, 
Julie, Matt, Bree and everyone at Upstream Arts
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