Research, reseach, research!
Research, reseach, research!
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Las Ganas Logo Latinos gaining Access to Networks for Advancement in Science
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We hope you are having a great start to your semester.
If you are interested in research or are participating in research and want to present your findings, check out all of the workshops (science chats) and opportunities (LSAMP and URF) to go to conferences coming up this spring semester. L@s GANAS is here to support you as you search/apply for and participate in research. Let us know how we can help!
As always, the L@s GANAS team is here for you to help answer questions, lead you to the right resource, or serve as your advocate. 
We are located in SSB 2190,  stop by!
-L@s GANAS Team
Save the Date Las ganas events
Check out the recorded panel from last semester to prepare!
RSVP for Science Chats
Sign-Up for LSAMP Today!

Free Registration, lodging, and transportation from UIC. 

Questions? Contact Liz Ramirez at

Check out a Science Chats Presentation about Presenting Research at a Conference
Interested in Presenting your Research? Let us know!
UG REUs & INTERNSHIPS NASA Student Airborne Research Program East Amgen Scholars Program NSF REU at Ohio State in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology 2023 Florida International University Summer Research Program BioXFEL Summer Internship for Undergraduates at University of Buffalo New Product Development in Applied Energy REU at Purdue University Savannah State University Bridge to Research in Marine Sciences REU program Syracuse University LSAMP Summer Research Program, June 5-August 11, 2023 HBCU Summer Immersion in GEOINT at Harris-Stowe State University Summer Opportunities Searchable Database POST-BAC & GRADUATE OPPS Post-baccalaureate Program Webinar Oregon Health and Science University Postbaccalureate Research Program (PREP) IPREP Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program at IUPUI PIKE-PREP: Preparation in Interdisciplinary Knowledge to Excel - Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program University of the Virgin Islands Master of Marine and Environmental Science Program McNair Scholars Research Program for UG Prep for PhD Programs Bridge to the Doctorate Program at N.C. A&T NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students in Geothermal Energy Supplemental Funding Opportunity (Geothermal INTERN) FOR PROFESSIONALS Job Opportunities in the Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) AAAS S-STEM Resource & Evaluation Center (REC) Launch
Emergency Funding for UIC Students

U & I Emergency Fund 

This fund provides temporary, short-term financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship. This emergency funding program is designed to offer financial assistance to students in the form of one-time awards (typically not exceeding $1000). Please be prepared to show documentation supporting claims. 
Examples of expenses typically covered: overdue rent, eviction, medical emergencies, and safety needs. For more information click here
The application can be found here
Talk to Sophia or Liz and they will do their best to find resources and support you. 
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