Dear 4-H Families -
We thought it would be a great time to update you on a couple of our digital changes. As you may have noticed, the Extension Dodge County website has changed. Check it out:
Some of the updates are highlighted below:
To find the calendar of events: Scroll to the bottom of the main 4-H page to find the digital version of our yearly calendar!
To find the project activity cards: All cards are listed and linked at the top of the page.
Other project information:
Just a friendly reminder – Classes for March Family Learning Day are filling up fast! You are NOT added until you are paid. Registration deadline is only to guarantee the cost of the day once you pay. You may end up with second choices if you delay.
As always if you have any questions, please contact the Extension Office.
Have a great week,
Marie Witzel
4-H/Youth Development Educator
Newsletter Submissions Reminder |
If clubs or groups have items to share, send them by noon on Thursday to be included in that week’s issue. Anything received after 12 p.m. Thursday will be considered for the following week. The articles should be sent to Marie at You can also contact the office with any questions. Thanks!
Neosho Utopians (Charlotte Klink) We decided that for our April meeting we will go bowling. Then we had a demonstration day where all of our club members could have a chance to do demonstrations. After that we all had lunch together.
Hyland Prairie (Isabella Radichel) Monday March 4th Hyland Prairie held their fundraiser event at the Beaver Dam Pizza Ranch from 4-8pm.
We had many hands on deck to work the costumers and clean tables! It was a great night, made a lot of tips, promoted 4-H, and because we sold 20 coupon cards, the kids will be able to pie our leader in the face at the March meeting!
I highly recommend doing this as a fundraiser if your club needs extra money! Pizza Ranch really does a nice job for community groups!
Many Thanks to the Hyland Prairie Club for Hosting Our March Family Learning Day Lunch! Members can pre-order/pay for lunch upon arrival on the day of the event. Members' lunch will be ready to go for them at lunchtime!
Dairy Trivia & Promotion Funding Information Night
Monday, March 18th, 7:00pm
For those of you who couldn't make it to the Dairy Promotion Trivia & Funding Information at the February Family Learning Day, here's your chance! We will be going over the 4H Dairy Promotion funding and sharing dairy promotion ideas with each other. This session is required if your club is requesting Dairy Promotion funding, with a minimum of one member from each club. Love trivia games? Then try your hand at Dairy Promotion Trivia and win some cool dairy prizes! We will be using Kahoot, so please bring a mobile device (cellphone or tablet) or we can pair you up with someone. This night also counts for 1 point on Dairy Project Member Activity Card for the Family Learning Day Session.
Please sign-up via Google Forms: by Wednesday, March 13th.
If you have any questions, contact Brenda Conley 262-224-2559
This program is geared towards newer producers (< 5 years of experience) and those who do not own beef yet but are considering it. Each class would also qualify for 1 point! Make sure you fill out the Education Verification Form to ensure you receive your point(s)!
This pilot program includes five FREE, 1.5-hour online classes that will be held from 7 – 8.30 pm on March 19, 21, 26, and April 2 and 4. Pre-registration deadline is March 11.
2024 Dodge County Dairy Youth Recognition Auction Dairy Grant Program |
The purpose of the Dodge County Dairy Youth Recognition Auction Dairy Grant Program is to support active Dodge County Dairy Youth (4-H, FFA, Junior Breed Associations) with a grant to expand their dairy project. The grant funds are to be utilized to purchase a dairy animal (any breed) to grow the youth’s dairy herd.
$500 grants will be available for the 2024 program. Grant money is made available through proceeds from the Dodge County Dairy Youth Recognition Auction, held each year at the Dodge County Fair.
Grant applications will be available anytime up until June 1, 2024. Grant recipients will be notified upon acceptance.
Attention Dog Project Members-- the project letter and sign-up for this exciting opportunity will be coming soon. Dog health and vaccination information will be required for each dog. Members will need to provide a COPY of current shot record with the 4-H member’s name on all forms for Rabies, Heartworm, DHLP & Kennel Cough, and Fecal Exam. All shots need to be completed two weeks prior to the start of class.
Want to help out with 4-H? Volunteer! |
If you are 18 years or older and interested in becoming a 4-H volunteer, we can help! We will provide new volunteers with training to ensure the safety of all youth and volunteers. The below linked trainings and a background check are required. Answers to questions about reporting and training are available on our FAQ page.
19 - 4-H Leaders Executive Board - 7:00 pm
23 - Family Learning Day (Dodgeland)
16 - Leaders Association - 7:00 pm
21-27 - National Volunteer Week
25 - ME Interviews - 6:30 pm
An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act requirements.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension
Dodge County 4-H
Extension Dodge County 127 E. Oak Street Juneau, WI 53039-1329
tel: 920.386.3790 fax: 920.386.3928
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