Dear Friend,

I am so looking forward to being together next week. Thank you for your prayers during my three strokes and throughout my recovery. Other than hearing loss that remains in my right ear, I’m pretty close to normal in every way. The prayers, notes, and gifts from the TC Community have meant more than you can possibly know. You have carried me—and my family—throughout the darkest season in our lives, for which we are grateful. 

I wanted to reach out to you about the upcoming retreat and let you know of one change that we have discerned for retreats at Q Center. Before we were at Q, retreatants were encouraged to bring a beverage to share during the celebration. Almost all of the wine, beer, and other soft drinks served at our celebrations were provided by retreatants to go with food provided by our hospitality team. Q Center’s policy is that outside food and beverage are not allowed to be brought in so we opted to cover the cost for both food and drink for our Celebration after Monday Night Prayer. After making this our practice for the first four retreats, we have discerned that this is not the best approach for moving forward. 

Beginning with this upcoming retreat, we are moving to a cash bar for the Celebration. The Transforming Center will continue to provide hors d'oeuvres and sweet treats, and beverages will now be available for purchase. (You can use cash, credit card, or your room key for these purchases.) We believe that this is the best stewardship of our finances and more closely resembles the original approach to our celebrations on retreat.

Thank you for your understanding. Please let Kelly or me know if you have any specific questions or concerns.

We'll see you soon,

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