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Who wants to be a pastor?
Who wants to be a pastor?
September 28, 2016
1 Timothy 3:1
Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task.
New International Version (NIV)
               “For a pastor to become President of the United States would be a demotion,” said a preacher of a previous generation.   I have often wondered who would want to be President.  In recent years our leaders start with about half the country liking them and then it often goes downhill from there.  Before long the opposing party demonizes the President.  Have you noticed that Presidents age in office at a seemingly faster rate?  I have seen this on occasion with Presidents of universities. 
                Who wants to be a pastor?  In one of his trustworthy sayings, Paul says it is good to set your heart on being an overseer or pastor.  Why?  Shepherding God’s people is a noble task.  My life has been greatly blessed by pastors.  Winfred Moore presided as pastor of First Baptist Church Amarillo when I was born there in 1962.  He led that church wonderfully well for decades.  The first pastor I remember was Jack Pardee who baptized me at Faith Baptist Church near Kaiserslautern, Germany.  Later Bob Ferguson came to preside over that church.  Jim Hallcom put me in the pulpit as a young teenager.  Ray Franklin licensed me to preach and Bert Murphy ordained me.  Larry Nixon mentored me on his day off, teaching me how to lead a congregation, and then he sent me out to preach. 
               The day our second son Chase was born, we had complications, and we were so afraid.  In a new city, we were frightened and alone.  Then we heard a knock at the door.  There stood my college pastor Larry Nixon.  He was driving through town and stopped to check on me at New Hope where he had recommended me.  They told him where we were and he came to pray with us.  I once watched him electrify Calvary Baptist in Waco as he preached on the dry bones of Ezekiel 37.  But he never seemed more noble to me than the day he showed up at the hospital.  Over the last thirty-five years, God has blessed me by allowing me to serve four different congregations.  It is all I have ever wanted to do.  It is not easy.  But it is good, because our God is good.  All the time.
Pray with me: 
Father, we thank you for sending shepherds to feed us from your word and lead us in your way.  Help all the pastors in our city today.  May they sense your presence and your power.  Savior like a Shepherd lead us, much we need thy tender care.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
Scripture reading for today: 
1 Timothy 3

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