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The Office of Student Life is giving away free succulents to students...
The Office of Student Life is giving away free succulents to students...
Grand Valley State University
Student Life Weekly
Free Spirit Week Succulents!
The Office of Student Life is giving away free succulents to students who subscribe to the Student Life Weekly newsletter (and you're already on the list)! The succulents are being provided by the Barbara Kindschi Greenhouse on campus, and they’re the perfect low-maintenance plants to breathe life into your home. Decorate or personalize your plant and post pictures on social media for a chance to win prizes! There are a limited number of plants available, so RSVP today. 
RSVP for Thursday, Oct. 15
Make a Difference Month: Your Chance to Have a Lasting Impact on Your Community
Make a Difference Day is an annual GVSU tradition that encourages students to come together and give back to their communities. This year, Make a Difference Day looks a little different. Introducing Make a Difference Month, a series of safe in-person and virtual service opportunities happening throughout October!
Are you Ready for Midterms?
Midterms are here! Grand Valley has many great resources that you can take advantage of while you’re preparing. Check out the Tutoring Center to schedule a virtual appointment. Connect with the Student Academic Success Center for more academic tools and assistance. Consult with the Knowledge Market if you need help with research, writing, digital projects, or speeches. Study hard and utilize these resources!
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