Jenny Tassaro (BS ’17), Sarah Chu (BS ’17), Dr. Amber Franklin
Please Support Us!
The Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Students become active participants in the on-site Miami University Speech & Hearing Clinic, where they learn clinical methods, observe speech and language evaluations, and eventually plan and implement therapy sessions.
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Welcome from the Chair
Susan Brehm
Dear Friends and Alumni,
We are so pleased to connect with our alumni at the end of 2017, another exciting year in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Miami University. We have much news to share on our faculty and student accomplishments and exciting new opportunities within the Department.
The Department remains committed to strong preparation for our undergraduate and graduate students. We currently have over 215 undergraduates in the program and 52 graduate students. Our National Student Speech Language and Hearing Chapter is as strong as ever, providing service to University and the Oxford community. A few of their activities over the past year have included holding an annual 5K to raise funds for our Clinic, putting on a Fall Festival for children in our Clinic, a hosting a Halloween Party at the Oxford Senior Center.
As you read through this newsletter, you will find links to our department website. We invite you to explore the website to learn more about what is happening in the department. We have highlighted a few alumni and we would love to provide more highlights in the future. Please send us your updates and pictures to We sincerely love to hear about what you have been doing.
We hope that 2017 has been a happy and healthy year for you and best wishes for the New Year. Please do not hesitate to stop by the Department if your travels bring you to Oxford in the coming year.
Susan Baker Brehm
Professor and Department Chair
Miami University Alumna, BS ’97, and MA ’99
Main SPA Stories
Dr. Kelly Knollman-Porter supervising graduate students in research
Dr. Kelly Knollman-Porter supervising graduate students in research
We are pleased to announce that assistant professor Dr. Kelly Knollman-Porter recently was the recipient of two grants to fund her research in the area of aphasia and other professional activities.
The National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) awarded Dr. Knollman-Porter nearly $500,000 to lead a three-year, multi-site study. The study will evaluate whether assistive technology can help individuals with aphasia-related reading problems. Individuals with aphasia exhibit varying degrees of difficulty with reading, from word level to multi-paragraph level, all of which can impact these individuals functionally. Continue reading.
Dr. Aaron Shield, founder and speaker for the What the L series
Dr. Aaron Shield, founder and speaker for the "What the L?" series 
SPA assistant professor Dr. Aaron Shield, SPA associate professor Dr. Amber Franklin, and assistant professor of Spanish Dr. David Beard founded the interdepartmental lecture series, “What the L?” in October 2016.
The purpose of the series is to unite faculty and students from various departments who are interested in research on language. The series also serves as a platform for faculty to showcase their research in an informal lecture setting. By creating a venue to learn about each other’s work, an opportunity for collaboration is created. Read more.
SPA Faculty Spotlights   
New Faculty and Staff
Dr. Arnold “A.J.” Olszewski
Ms. Andrea Jutte
Ms. Tammy Brown
Susan Reich
Sue Reich retires after 15 years of service to the Department
It is with mixed emotions that we announce that Sue Reich retired from the Department at the end Summer 2017. We are so appreciative of her many years of service, however, we could not be happier for her and the well-deserved relaxation that lies ahead. Sue was a part-time clinical supervisor for 15 years! We sincerely appreciate all of the many ways she supported our students during her time with us and she made a big impact on so many developing clinicians. 
SPA Student Spotlights
    Kayla Amberger, Jamie Budhan BS ’16, Sarah Laane BS ‘17
    Kayla Amberger, Jamie Budhan, Sarah Laane 
    Samantha Julian
    Samantha Julian
    Taylor Creech MA ’17, Kaitlyn Gilfert BS ’15, MA ’17, Maddie Flynn MA ’17, Audrey Walstrom MA ‘17
    2nd-year Master’s students in the 2nd Annual EBS Praxis Bowl
    This past summer, Master’s student Desirae Danzy (left) and undergraduate student Dana Johnson (right) were selected to participate in the Program for Advocacy and Leadership for Students, sponsored by OSLHA. The goal of the program was to foster an understanding of and commitment to advocacy.

      SPA Alumni Spotlights
        Leah Harrigan (BS '09, MA '11)
        Leah Harrigan, BS 09, MA 11
        Suzanne Coyle (BS '97, MA '99)
        Dr. Susan Brehm, Dr. Kelly Knollman-Porter, Dr. Amber Franklin, Dr. Laura Kelly, Camille Weyer, Jennifer Conti, Samantha Bowyer, Dr. Chip Hahn
        Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology

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        513-529-2500 •
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