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Is there anyone you can’t forgive?
Is there anyone you can’t forgive?
January 27, 2016
Matthew 18:22
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."
New International Version (NIV)
               Is there anyone you can’t forgive?  I know:  you have forgiven them plenty of times and they don’t change.  Yes, I understand that they really don’t deserve forgiveness.  They haven’t even repented of what they have done.  They don’t think they were wrong, so they are not asking for forgiveness.  How many times do we have to forgive them?  True to form, Peter blurted it out.  “I’ll go up to seven times, Lord.  Is that enough times to forgive someone?”  Jesus’ answer shocks us as it did his original listeners.
               A friend and prayer partner of mine lost his granddaughter to a senseless shooting years ago.  Gang members were arguing over a drug deal on the landing of her apartment.  A shot was fired, missed its target and hit her through the door.  By the time she was found, her survival chances were so slim.  One day as my friend kept vigil driving to the hospital, he distinctly heard God say, “Go to the church and pray.”  Obedient to that call, he heard God again speaking to his heart, “Unless you forgive that man who shot your granddaughter, I cannot help you.”  So he forgave the young man.  The young man was set free.  But even more, my friend was set free from the shackle of unforgiveness.  In some ways, he is the most free of anybody I know.
              How many times do we forgive?  How many times has God forgiven us?  Not just seven times but seventy times seven.  There is no limit to God’s forgiveness.  I know:  we don’t deserve God’s forgiveness.  That is the point of grace.  We do not earn God’s forgiveness but he gives it freely.  So should we.
Pray with me:  
Father, we thank you for your amazing forgiveness.  Help us today not only to receive your forgiveness but to extend it freely to others.  Forgive us for our score-keeping and our tally sheets of times we have forgiven.  Help us to live forgiven and forgiving lives, we pray.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
Scripture reading for today: 
Matthew 18

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