Communication is vital to the life of The Fellowship. This year, our Generosity & Engagement Ministries (GEM) is focusing on the ways we Connect and Commit: Engage, Serve, Give.
Our goal is that each person will consider their connection and commitment to the Fellowship – How do you want to engage, serve, and give this year?
We need each of you to complete the Connect and Commit form, to let us know your hopes, goals, and intentions for the year. Our goal is to help each person find their place at the Fellowship, so that we are all connected in meaningful ways. The information from the form will help us support your purposeful commitment to the Fellowship.
To complete the form, please click here. When you fill out the form, you can "choose your own adventure" with these options:
• You can fill it out on your own,
• You can fill it out and indicate that you want to meet with someone individually or in a group
to discuss further, or
• You can request to attend a group or 1:1 meeting with GEM or their ambassadors to help you
complete the check-in.
Effective communication means everyone fills out a form! If we don’t hear from you, someone from GEM will reach out to you in the spring.
There are a lot of opportunities at the Fellowship to Engage, Serve, and Give. These events are some highlights we are excited about and we look forward to seeing you at:
• Cottage Meetings and Call Vote for Rev. Hannah;
• Celebrate the Fellowship’s 70th Anniversary;
• February Beach Party;
• …To name just a few!
Don’t miss out on being part of an adventurous year! How do you want to be involved, or help make these events happen? Click here to complete your Connect and Commit form to help us keep you in the loop!
Thank you for letting us know to what level, and how, you plan to explore your Connection and make a Commitment to the Fellowship this year.
With gratitude,
Your Generosity & Engagement Ministries (GEM) Team
Ann Fisher (chair), Will Anderson, Hilary Haskell, Andrew Kramp, Heather Maass, Nan Middleton, and Marti Wheeler