| Redwoods' Safety Newsletter |
Vetting Off-Site Aquatic Locations Ahead of the Summer
Ahead of the summer, it is critical that you vet any off-site location where you are running aquatic programming. Whether it is a local community pool, aquatic waterpark, or a natural body of water, off-site programming adds risk because of the limited control you have over the environment and culture. We have gathered our recommendations and created a list of specific questions that you can ask the location/facility to learn more about their safety practices before visiting. Download them below ahead of your in-person visits.
Micro-Learning: Identifying Blind Spots in Bathrooms |
One of the common areas we see peer-to-peer abuse take place is in bathrooms. Bathrooms naturally provide privacy and seclusion, which in turn creates supervision challenges for staff. As we move into the last few months of after-school programming, we encourage you to distribute our micro-learning on identifying blind spots in the bathroom. This quick refresher explores common blind spots in bathrooms and steps staff can take to eliminate them.
Preventing Employee Slips, Trips, and Falls |
Slips, trips, and falls are the most common cause of staff workplace injuries. Distribute our micro-learning on this topic as a quick refresher for staff. Based on the staff injuries we see, this micro-learning focuses on common causes by department, as well as prevention strategies staff can use to keep themselves, and their co-workers, safe.
| Sample Camper Code of Conduct |
A Camper Code of Conduct is a great way to help your camp establish clear expectations and promote a safe, enjoyable, and respectful environment for everyone. Download our sample template and adapt it to your camp setting as you prepare for the summer.
Get Involved with Five Days of Action
Five Days of Action is a week-long campaign designed to raise awareness and inspire adults to take action to protect children from sexual abuse. This year, it will take place April 15-19. Visit the campaign website to get involved, register, and download the toolkit.
Spring Volunteer Days at Camp
During the spring season, many camps host volunteer days. Not only are they a great opportunity for camps to prepare for the summer, but they also give alumni and current families the chance to connect and engage with the camp culture. To keep everyone safe, extra layers of protection need to be taken. View our resource on things to consider during spring volunteer days.
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