Violence Free Colorado's Monthly eNewsletter
Violence Free Colorado's Monthly eNewsletter
News, Upcoming Trainings, Other Resources
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DVAM - Domestic Violence Awareness Month text and purple ribbon logo

October is ...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month
The COVID-19 health pandemic has upended so many elements of the domestic violence movement - difficulty in reporting for survivors, reduced availability at shelters, PPE shortages and other safety measures for program staff. Naturally, the isolation of the pandemic makes it especially important to stay connected, especially if you suspect someone may be experiencing relationship violence. 
With Domestic Violence Awareness Month officially underway, we think it's important to remind everyone of one simple message for this month and beyond: We Are Here.
In spite of the current health crisis, we're all still here. We're supporting one another as a community, and providing the best services and resources available to support our member programs as they assist survivors across the state. 
We kicked off DVAM with a Facebook Live fundraiser on Oct. 1 to help raise awareness for domestic violence. Be sure to check out the video, which featured great music and DVAM education throughout the evening! You'll also find additional resources and information to help prioritize domestic violence awareness throughout the month. 


#1Thing: a Domestic Violence Awareness Project campaign centering collective action to create true social transformation
National Child Traumatic Stress Network resources: a list of resources for parents and caregivers, childrens and teens, mental health providers and others with information on the impact of domestic violence on children and families
Domestic Violence Awareness Project: a project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence that supports and promotes nationa, tribal, territorial, state and local advocacy networks in ongoing public awareness of domestic violence
#ListeningFromHome: a campaign on how to help someone who is experiencing domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. TRIGGER WARNING for sensitive imagery in the campaign's PSA video.

Coalition Updates

Amy Miller
Executive Director

Executive Team Update

Violence Free Colorado just released our 2019 Impact Report. Even as we navigate the unique trials and opportunities of 2020, it's important to take a moment to reflect on changes and celebrate the successes of the past year. 
Though we are well into 2020, with its unique challenges and demands, we believe it is important to pause and reflect upon the success of 2019.
We want to acknowledge our member programs and individuals, our board members, our donors, grantees and supporters, and all of the community members who worked side-by-side with us in 2019 and who continue to partner with us now.
View the Violence Free Colorado 2019 Impact Report, and thank you for your continued support of the coalition!
Liz Stuewe
Training and TA Manager

Training and TA Update

Upcoming Brown Bags:
October Brown Bag webinar: noon, Oct. 13
Colorado-Specific Research on Child Custody Evaluators

Presenter: Yolanda Arredondo, Intake and Assessment Administrator, Colorado Division of Child Welfare
This webinar is based on a Capstone group project titled Colorado Child Custody Evaluators’ Professional Background and Practices of Intimate Partner Violence. With the permission of her MSW research group, Yolanda is sharing the results and key implications to improve understanding of the role child custody evaluators play in assessing intimate partner violence in child custody evaluations.Register today! 
November Brown Bag webinar: noon, Nov. 10
What Belongs in a Survivor File? Best Practices and Practical Realities

Presenter: Yolanda Arredondo, Intake and Assessment Administrator, Colorado Division of Child Welfare
What exactly do you put in a survivor file? What confidentiality concerns should you consider? What rights does a survivor have over their file? How do you set up your workflow to ensure only appropriate information is going into files? This webinar beginsw ith a brief review of laws and best practices by Violence Free Colorado staff, followed by advocates at Alternatives to Violence about the challenges and successes they faced using a trauma-informed lens to bring survivor files into accordance with best practices.Bring your questions and register today!

Upcoming Trainings

Webinars and Web-Based Trainings

All trainings are Mountain Time
Oct. 7, 10 a.m.: Should They Stay or Should They Go - Helping Domestic Violence Survivors with Interstate Cases. Presented by the Battered Women's Justice Project. 
Oct. 7, noon: Historical Trauma - Its Present Day Impact on ABC Survivors and Promising Practices. Presented by the Women of Color Network. 
Oct. 13, noon: Prioritizing Wellness When Working with Survivors and Allies. Presented by the Alliance of Local Service Organizations. 
Oct. 14, noon: Understanding How We View and Impact Difference. Presented by the Women of Color Network. 
Oct. 20, noon: Assisting VIctims of Human Trafficking in the Protection Order Process. Presented by the Battered Women's Justice Project. 
Oct. 20, noon: Preventing at the Intersections. Presented by the Clery Center for Security On Campus.
Oct. 21, 1 p.m.: Understanding the Dynamics and Tactics of Intimate Partner Violence through the Lens of Indigenous Survivors. Presented by the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. 
Oct. 22, 1 p.m.: Introducing Responses to Urban Natives Program Tribal Technical Assistance. Presented by Red Wind Consulting. 
Oct. 29, 1 p.m. Collective Humanity Story Circle. Presented by the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence. 

Resources and Other News

A man playing with a toddler-age child
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native People fact sheet
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has announced a new fact sheet called Violence Against AIAN People now available on their website.
This fact sheet has the latest homicide, intimate partner violence and sexual violence data available from three different data sources: the National Vital Statistics Systems, National Violence Death Reporting System and the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. 
The CDC is committed to improving the health and safety of AIAN people, and works to understand and address Missing or Murdered Indigenous Peoples issues by sharing data and violence prevention efforts.  

Foundational Advocacy Skills Training

Join Violence Free Colorado for Foundational Advocacy Skills: Best Practices for Training Staff and Volunteers in Community-Based Domestic Violence Programs in November! Learn more about this six-part virtual training and register today!
Violence Free Colorado is hiring
Violence Free Colorado is hiring a new Associate Director! This position reports to, and works in close collaboration with, the Executive Director to help build a solid foundation for the Coalition to expand and deepen its programming and movement-building activities. Applications are accepted through 5 p.m. Oct. 14. Click here to view the complete job description.  
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