Stony Brook Foundation

Dear Colleagues,

The Stony Brook Foundation (SBF) is excited to be moving forward with Concur, the web-based travel expense reimbursement system that currently handles State and RF travel expense and university issued credit card reconciliations.

Beginning April 1, 2024, Concur will be ready for SBF International travel requests and travel expense reimbursement requests.

Beginning April 5, 2024, Concur will be ready for SBF JPM Chase credit card expense reporting.
Employees who need to submit travel reimbursements and/or reconcile their SBF JPM Chase Credit Card monthly transactions must be set up as a TRAVELER, ACCOUNT DIRECTOR or SIGNATORY DELEGATE in E-RAS, the Electronic Record of Authorized Signatures web application. E-RAS will determine which department’s account number(s) will be visible to a traveler/cardholder in Concur.

By default, accounts will be automatically selectable by travelers and cardholders who are Account Directors or Signatory Delegates. No additional action is required if an Account Director or Signatory Delegate needs to use their department’s account in Concur.

However, if someone other than an Account Director or Signatory Delegate is an SBF credit card holder or will be charging travel to their department’s account(s), they will need to be added as a Traveler in E-RAS using the “Other Account Users” section. 

Only an Account Director or Account Assistant for an account can add someone as a Traveler to that account in E-RAS.
In the weeks to come, the Stony Brook Foundation will share a timeline, training materials and more information regarding the transition to Concur for international travel requests, international and domestic expense reimbursements, and SBF JPM Chase credit card expense reconciliations. 

Kacy Bullard
Stony Brook Foundation
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