January 29, 2018
Exodus 8:25-27
Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, “Go, sacrifice to your God here in the land.”  But Moses said, “That would not be right. The sacrifices we offer the Lord our God would be detestable to the Egyptians. And if we offer sacrifices that are detestable in their eyes, will they not stone us?   We must take a three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God, as he commands us.”
New International Version (NIV)
                 It was a cataclysmic collision!  Pharaoh, the most powerful ruler in the ancient world stood toe to toe with an eighty year old shepherd who had been raised in the same palace.  Moses represented the King of Kings, Yahweh, the Lord of all the earth who wanted Pharaoh to set his people free.  In this stare down for the ages, who would blink first?   

                As Pharaoh refused to grant Moses’ request, a series of plagues were unleashed on the people.  Finally Pharaoh proposed some compromises to Moses:  Sacrifice in the land, don’t go very far, go without your children, go without your flocks.  Each time Moses said no and a new plague was unleashed. 

                Even now we hear the appeal to compromise:  don’t go too far with your commitment to God.  The only way I know to follow God is all in.  As Henry Blackaby wrote, “We cannot go with God and stay where we are.”   In what ways are you tempted to compromise in your faith today?  You can never go wrong doing what God has told you to do.   

Pray with me:
Father, we have decided to follow Jesus.  No turning back.  We’ll follow him.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.         
This year we focus our Every Day with Jesus readings on Jesus’ story.  With references to Tallowood's Read Through the Bible in 2018 daily reading plan, let's focus our undivided attention on Jesus and follow where he lead. He will not fail. Neither will we!
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