Stay up-to-date on happenings throughout the Free Will Baptist denomination with this week's NAFWB News. Read below the exciting things going on in our national ministries.
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| Tornadoes Devastate KY, TN
Tornadoes ripped through western Kentucky and parts of Tennessee early Saturday morning, leaving miles of destruction in its path. Dozens lost their lives and still more are unaccounted for.
Disaster Response Director Kenneth Akers says, "After assessing all the options, here are our plans. Since Mayfield, KY, is still in search mode and there are hundreds of people going there, we will be working in the Dover, TN, area, where we have Free Will Baptist churches to work through. We are not ignoring the needs of Mayfield; it just makes more sense right now to work in areas where there are less people responding. For those that would like to help in the Mayfield area, we have a partner group there working." For those able to participate in response efforts in other parts of Western KY, you can email Pastor Tim Hall.
What we are asking is for our people to help provide funds and gift cards. These will be distributed to those that have lost their homes to help provide needed supplies including food, clothing, and possibly Christmas gifts. You can send your donations with "Tornado Relief" in the memo line to:
Master's Men
PO Box 5002
Antioch, TN 37011
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The Nehemiah Challenge
At the 2021 Leadership Conference, attendees were challenged to read the book of Nehemiah throughout 2022. We encourage all Free Will Baptists to accept the same challenge for the coming year. As you read, ask yourself what we need to do as we face some of our challenges today. Let us pray that God will send us people like Nehemiah and that we will have the qualities he possessed as well.
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2022 National Convention
Join us July 24-27 in Birmingham, Alabama, for the 86th National Convention. Details will be released in ONE Magazine and at https://nafwb.org/convention/ as they become available.
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| 2022 Leadership Conference
Pastors and layleaders should plan to attend the 2022 Leadership Conference. The conference will be December 5-6 in Nashville, featuring Robby Gallaty as keynote speaker. Pastor Gallaty, as well as numerous breakout session speakers, will address the theme "Discipleshift."
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Brummitt Elected to CBA BoardBoard of Retirement CEO John Brummitt has been elected to the Church Benefits Association Board of Directors. The CBA is an association of approximately 50 church pension boards, religious orders, and denominational benefit programs for clergy and church professionals. Congratulations, John!
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Welch Accreditation Reaffirmed
The Board of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) voted to reaffirm the accreditation of Welch College until 2031, according to Dr. Kevin Hester, Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness at Welch.
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"The Power of Endowments"
The new Brown on Green column, “The Power of Endowments,” is out now in the December-January 2022 issue of One Magazine. For more information on endowments visit our website, Free Will Baptist Foundation | Endowments, or give us a call at (877) 336-7575.
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Treasure Bible Study
WNAC has released the January-March issue of Treasure, a quarterly Bible study guide and magazine to be used for personal study, group study, or mentoring activities.
The issue follows the 2022 WNAC theme, "When God Intervenes."
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Husband of One Wife
Husband of One Wife: An Exegesis provides an in-depth examination of a key biblical qualification for pastor—marital status—and discusses contrasting views and interpretations of various qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, with particular attention to how divorce impacts one’s ability to serve in the role of minister. The book has multiple authors and addresses the questions:
- Is the Divorced Minister Permanently Disqualified From Pastoral Ministry?
- Must the Local Church Pastor Be Married?
- Is “Husband of One Wife” More Important Than the Other Pastoral Requirements…or Do They Possess Equal Weight?
- Is Polygamy Part of the Equation?
- Can A Divorced Pastor Lead in Ministry Again?
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Church Planter Account Needs
As we approach the end of 2021, a few church planter accounts are struggling. Some newer planters who have been trying to raise support during the pandemic have reached year-end with a deficit balance. Would you please pray for these accounts, the needs, and the planters?
If you are considering a year-end contribution to a worthy cause, consider giving a special gift to “deficit accounts.” You can give at www.fwbnam.com/give. Gifts earmarked “deficit accounts,” will go to these needy accounts.
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IM, Inc. Board Meeting Recap
The IM, Inc. board met December 7-8 in Nashville. The board approved the 2022 budget and three candidates for overseas internships.
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