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Dear friend,

We are approaching our 5th retreat entitled Flesh and Blood Spirituality: Honoring the Body as a Spiritual Discipline.  Believe it or not, we are at the halfway point of our Transforming Community experience!  

Reflecting on the Last Quarter...
In these next few weeks, continue to use the lectionary and A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants, allowing God to use Scripture as a tool for transformation in your life.  Remember to prepare your reflections on the following questions, both as preparation for sharing with your group over Sunday dinner and as a paper to submit for your certificate: 

  • How would you describe your relationship with Scripture coming into this retreat? What was/is your longing and desire regarding Scripture?
  • Where are you finding yourself in the Biblical story?  What insights and/or guidance are you discovering in that story? (If you have not found yourself in the Biblical story yet, don’t force it.  Just continue to be open and let God show you.)
  • How was your experience with lectio divina? Was it the same as or different from past experiences with Scripture? What was God’s word to you and how is it impacting your life?
  • How have you utilized A Guide to Prayer and using the lectionary for your own private worship? What has it been like to have a more communal approach to engaging the Scripture?

Preparing for the Upcoming Retreat...
Since the theme of our next retreat is learning how to honor the body as a spiritual practice, we will be offering several experiences that focus on different aspects of life in the body.  During solitude, we are offering an optional guided session of Christian stretching, breathing and core strengthening….otherwise known as yoga in some circles :). We will talk about this more on retreat, but if you are interested in participating, please email to let us know so we can plan for enough space. Pack a refillable water bottle to make it easy for you to stay hydrated.  

As you pack, bring clothes that are comfortable and allow you to move about easily.  Since our solitude time will include opportunities for taking a prayer walk, please be sure to bring some walking shoes.   Feel free to bring items related to comfort and joy in your body….a favorite pillow so that you rest well, comfortable clothing, anything that would help you enter into this time of retreat focused on encountering God in your body.   

Yours in Christ,

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