Join us to look for beaver sign and repair cages around young shrubs.
Join us to look for beaver sign and repair cages around young shrubs.
Volunteer Opportunity May 23rd
Dear Friend,
On Thursday, May 23rd, GHCC will trek out to Chesnimnus Creek in northern Wallowa County with Katy Frenyea and Montana Pagano of the Nez Perce Tribe Fisheries to look for beavers and fix some fences. We need volunteers to help.
Watershed restorationists are increasingly interested in beavers because they help to restore floodplain function. Floodplains, when working right, recharge and cool streams, particularly important as our summers heat up due to climate change. 
A few years ago, the Nez Perce Tribe and the U.S. Forest Service partnered up to plant the kinds of shrubs beavers like to eat along the upper stretch of Chesnimnus Creek, hoping to lure beavers deeper into the drainage. We're going to a) look for sign of the industrious rodents, and b) do some maintenance on the cages that protect the young shrubs from deer, elk, and cattle. 

We'll be leaving from Joseph at 9:00 a.m. on the 23rd. It will be a beautiful, long, bumpy drive. Bring your lunch; we'll provide water and snacks. Space is limited for this adventure outing, so if you'd like to participate, jump on it now: drop Christina, our Wild Connections Coordinator, a line at
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