Dear Friend,

It was so wonderful to be with you all a couple of weeks ago for our first ever virtual retreat! Your intentionality in creating sacred spaces for your retreat time, the thoughtful conversations we shared and your encourageming words after our time together was so uplifting to us all! 

The community voted overwhelmingly to shift your final retreat to being in person April 11-13. We are working with Q Center to finalize those dates.

You will see below the decisions we have made regarding dates going forward based on your survey results. Because the community expressed such an overwhelming sense of wanting to finish together in person, we are going to continue to do all we can to make that happen!

The TC15 Team

A Message from Ruth 

Thank you so much for all each of you did to fully enter in to our first completely virtual retreat.  Every story I heard about the arrangements you and your families were making to create retreat time and space inspired me and gave me the courage to go on!  Your specific comments and feedback were greatly appreciated.  Each of you were so loving and respectful in offering your thoughts that I was more aware than ever that we are indeed a Transforming Community!  

My greatest regret about the retreat is that we had not thought to consider how to handle the chat feature on Zoom and so we needed to make a decision about it in the moment, rather than giving guidance at the beginning of the retreat.  Thank you for responding so graciously to our decision, even though you might have wished for something different.  Responses were quite varied—some of you expressed deep gratitude that we turned that function off during sessions because you found it to be so distracting; others of you expressed that you were alone and lonely on retreat and the chat function helped you experience being part of the community.  

As you can imagine I am thinking a lot about this with appreciation for each and every bit of feedback you offered as I reflect on what I am now calling our "zoom etiquette and zoom spirituality.” I wish we had known to think about this ahead of time and you can be sure there is an article brewing! 

I know we could have used WAY more time for conversation about the meaning and ramifications of cruciform love—and we've decided to incorporate additional time for input and discussion about this in our upcoming call. We see this as one positive outcome of postponing the 9th retreat—more time to process and consider how to navigate these deep theological waters. 

God bless you all! 
Updated Dates for 2021 
January 11, 2021: Zoom Call*
April 11-13, 2021: Retreat #9 

*This zoom call is scheduled for 10am-1pm (CT) to give space for morning prayer, reflections/questions about cruciform love and time with your small groups.

We understand some of you will have conflicts, given the fact that this community has gone on well past the original end date, but we hope most of you will be able to make the dates above work for your schedule.

If you already know you will not be able to attend one of the dates below, please respond to this email and let us know, as well as emailing your small group. 
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