CIERP at the Fletcher School has you covered
CIERP at the Fletcher School has you covered
Dear Colleagues,
Does your work require you to know and understand current climate change policies?  Or, to be familiar with mitigation, adaptation, and resilience strategies?  The Climate Policy Lab (CPL) in the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy (CIERP) at The Fletcher School at Tufts University is at the forefront of research on climate policy worldwide.  We would like to share with you what we have learned in our many years of experience in climate policy in our new annual intensive course, Climate Policy Training Program.
This training program will be held Tuesday 16 through Friday 19 May, 2017, at The Fletcher School.
Read more about the course below.
Best regards,
Kelly Sims Gallagher
Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy
Director, Climate Policy Lab (CPL)
Director, Center for International Environment and Resource Policy (CIERP)
The Fletcher School, Tufts University
Tuesday May 16th – Friday May 19th 2017
The Fletcher School, Tufts University
Lead Instructor: Kelly Sims Gallagher, Director, Climate Policy Lab
Click here to register

Course Details 
The objectives of the CIERP Climate Policy Training Program are to provide professionals with the knowledge and understanding of current climate change policy approaches and their successes and failures, as well as technical and analytical tools to more effectively and efficiently address climate change policy and governance.  Climate policy experts will impart valuable information on the state of global, national, and bi-lateral climate policy.  The program will cover a variety of levels of policy processes, including state, national, and bi-lateral, while maintaining a global perspective, which is the motto of The Fletcher School.
The Program
Through a combination of lectures, case studies, exercises, and group discussions, which provide lessons learned from recent climate policy successes and failures, participants will address key questions, such as:
  • Which climate policy tools work best for both mitigation and adaptation?
  • Where do governments typically make mistakes in the climate policy process and how can they be avoided?
  • Which climate policies have been effective so far – and where – and which have been less successful and why?
  • How can countries reconcile development policy with climate policy?
  • Which climate policies have proven to be achieved at least cost around the world?
  • Which policy tools will best help implement my country’s NDC?
  • What approaches to adaptation and resilience in the face of climate change are likely to be most effective, and what impediments to progress exist?
  • What can be learned from existing and past case studies of policy implementation?
  • What do I need to know about the history of, and contemporary issues in, the international climate negotiations?
The Program is designed for mid-career and senior-level professionals with diverse origins and professional backgrounds. To create a dynamic community of expertise and foster interdisciplinary learning, decision-makers from government, the private sector, and non-profit organizations, as well as academics and researchers are encouraged to apply.
About Us 
CIERP combines rigorous research, multi-disciplinary graduate education, and executive training to equip current and future policy entrepreneurs with both the knowledge to craft evidence-based policy in a global context and the skills to implement it.
Established at The Fletcher School of Tufts University in 1992 to meet the growing need for international environmental leaders, the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy (CIERP) develops innovative approaches to shift global development onto an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable path. CIERP has strong competences in the EU, Brazil, China, and India.
Registration Fee
Your registration fee includes course instruction, all course materials, use of libraries during the program, lunches, breaks, and a cocktail reception.  It does not include travel or lodging.
To register and pay for the program, please click here.
We hope to see you soon!
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