From the Editors
This month's SenseAbility explores 'vision' in terms of the many ways we can 'see' ourselves. Although we may tend to think that we see is simply what's in front of our eyes, in fact, the way we are on the 'inside' has a significant influence on the unique way that each one of us sees the 'outside world.' Furthermore, what we perceive - especially how we perceive ourselves - has a decisive impact on the way we act and feel. All these relationships are captured in Moshe Feldenkrais' concept of the 'self-image.' As he once wrote, "We act in accordance with our self-image".
Each of our January contributors offers unique insight into how the 'self-image' can be explored and tranformed through practicing the Feldenkrais Method. Long-time practitioner Dan Clurman talks about how his teaching of Awareness Through Movement® has been influenced by a fascination with space - how we perceive it, and how our relationship to space makes us feel. Kevin Cassity, a new practitioner, shares his decades-long journey to improve his vision through practice of the Bates Method and the Feldenkrais Method. SenseAbility editor Seth Dellinger invites readers to consider the relationship between their eyes and their 'vison of the future'.
Readers will also find a treasure trove of Awareness Through Movement lessons in this months Resource section.
Happy New Year!
Jane, Joe and Seth