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UBC Botanical Garden
Shop in the Garden tool wall
With this warm weather, we are all itching to get back into our gardens. It is still early for most gardening, but now is the time to prepare for a successful gardening season.
Some of the supplies that we stock to help you get your garden ready for planting include:
Our tool wall is fully stocked with everything you might need to tidy before spring. We have every type of glove for gardening and an array to pruners, trimmers, rakes and brooms. There are kids tools too; it is never too soon to learn to help.
The early selection of West Coast Seeds have arrived. Get a head start with their free ‘Gardening Guide 2015.’ Success in the food garden requires a plan. Broad beans, peas, and spinach can be planted now. As well, there are seeds of popular ornamental plants collected in the UBC Botanical Garden by our volunteer Friends of the Garden.
Plants & Soil
In the Garden Centre we have Hellebores and potted winter flowers to brighten your entrance and add spring to your step. Our volunteers are potting up their early spring gems for you to take home for immediate colour and for perennial enjoyment in your garden. Remember that our plants with yellow tags are produced by volunteers and are often varieties that are not available commercially. Purchasing these plants further benefits the UBC Garden as our production costs are minimal. We also have Sea Soil to replenish your planters.
This year, our focus in the Garden Centre is going to be on more plants suitable for containers. This will include an increased number of dwarf and columnar varieties of woody plants, perennials with good leaf interest when out of bloom and edibles that perform well in containers. Towards the end of February, we anticipate deliveries of new treasures every week.
New Stock Arriving Daily!
In the Shop in the Garden, our buyers have just returned from the trade shows back East and boxes of new goods are being unpacked daily. There is no shortage of new whimsical garden ornaments, metalwork and other delights.

Visit our Shop page on our website to see recent photos from the Shop in the Garden and Garden Centre and read updates. 

With free parking and a relaxed atmosphere, the Shop in the Garden is ideal for thoughtful purchasing decisions. All profits from the Shop help support the Garden. The Shop is open 7 days a week, from 9:30am to 5:00pm.
Consider purchasing or gifting a membership to the UBC Botanical Garden to enjoy unlimited visits and a 10% discount on all purchases year round.

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Shop in the Garden display
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University of British Columbia

6804 SW Marine Drive | Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4 CA

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