Voting: an opportunity to participate, to voice your choice, to be a thread in the fabric of the unfolding future, at least that is how I value my
Co-op membership vote.
The Co-op Board of Directors Election is currently underway, with three positions open for members to fill. Co-op Directors take part in strategic planning, set goals and act as ambassadors for the Co-op. Directors also review, monitor, and evaluate the practices of the Co-op, on an on going basis. This review, monitoring, and evaluating of practices ensures members that the store goals and strategic plans are within the policy guidelines representing YOU, as an owner.
The seven members elected by you, work as a team, in equal balance, to represent the local economic success and social food justice the Co-op strides for.
Your opportunity to vote for the Co-op Board of Directors ends Friday November 11th. I ask you to participate and voice your choice for who will represent you, and give this 2016 BOD election the highest turnout ever!