Academic delivery, experiential learning, & a video of Dr. Paul's first day
Academic delivery, experiential learning, & a video of Dr. Paul's first day
Nazareth College

Return to Campus Updates

Dear students;
To continue our important work as a college community, we will reduce risk by de-densifying classrooms and buildings while also providing strong educational experiences through three course formats this fall:
  • in person
  • online
  • hybrid — meaning students have both in-person and online learning experiences 
The majority of our classes will incorporate in-person instruction. In every format, we plan to deliver robust, in-depth learning and interactions. 
The hybrid and online courses take advantage of opportunities to incorporate digital elements that would not be possible in person; multiple examples are included on the Course Formats webpage. To support this creative work, the College is investing significant resources in technology, integrative tools, infrastructure, and professional development for faculty to develop virtual experiences with a focus on collaboration, innovation, and integrating ideas and techniques. As always at Nazareth, engagement of students is essential.
We are hard at work finalizing details and will share an update soon when your fall schedule is ready with your own course formats indicated.
Meanwhile, our commitment to community engagement and experiential learning (community engaged learning) continues as we develop programs to provide internships and learning experiences in novel ways that minimize risk and maximize the student experience. We will have both in-person and virtual opportunities for students to engage in hands-on learning, as well as opportunities to work with international partners and student groups.
The significant investments are focused on one thing: providing the robust, engaging, rigorous education that exemplifies Nazareth — focused on your development and success in fulfilling your life’s work.
With the combination of investment — in training, tools, and enhanced health and safety measures — and the deep commitment of faculty and staff, we will fulfill our mission to provide each and every student with the opportunity to grow and thrive. We look forward to welcoming you as we come together safely and responsibly to pursue our mission with purpose and resolve.
Andrea Talentino
Vice President For Academic Affairs
More about course formats

Updates Review

Last week Nazareth finalized its draft of plans for returning to campus this fall in alignment with Reopening New York Higher Education Guidelines issued by the state governor's office. Our plans detail what it will be like to live and learn on campus together this fall. They are the result of comprehensive, campus-wide planning and represent an evolving set of guidelines that will allow our community to begin to return to campus in ways that protect your individual health and safety as well as that of others.

Over the past few weeks we have fielded questions from eager students + families and the return to campus plan will help answer some of those questions. More questions are sure to come to mind, so please:
Have a question? Check out the FAQs page. Still have a question? Submit it on that page.
FAQs webpage

Dr. Paul's first day!

Students with signs for Dr. Paul by fountain.
Yesterday, July 1, Nazareth welcomed its 10th president to the helm. Dr. Beth Paul brings an energy, optimism, and commitment that is invigorating and contagious! Watch the video to see a glimpse of her first day on campus. She can't wait to welcome you to campus this fall. 


Join FlyerConnect networking and mentorship

Kevin Hussey ‘20 is a new alum but already plans to offer help to today’s Nazareth students through FlyerConnect networking and mentoring tool. “I would be happy to be a mentor to students at Nazareth looking to break into the Boston job market or who are looking for advice on jobs or internships in general,” says Hussey, who landed a sales job in Boston. “I really want to give back and share all of the knowledge I was fortunate enough to obtain at Nazareth and through my various experiences.” He expects to benefit from the new platform himself as well. “The new FlyerConnect is an awesome tool and … something I will definitely use in the future.” Join FlyerConnect today!

The Question of the Week

"How many people can help me move into my residence hall room?" 

1 or 2 parents, family members, or friends can help you move into the residence halls. We encourage you to consider whether an individual is at high risk when selecting who will join you. 
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