The first due date for half of the special assessment was October first. If you have not already made a payment, please drop off or mail a check to:
444 River Valley Ranch Dr
Carbondale CO 81623
Alternatively, you can email RVR's Controller at accounting@rvrma.org to have the payment ACH from your bank account.
RVR members may now bring their organic waste to the Ranch House parking lot dumpster. Look for the large green dumpster towards the back of the parking lot. The dumpster will remain on site until at least the end of October.
This service is offered to RVR homeowners only. We ask that you please communicate this to your contractors. No plastic bags or other inorganic material allowed. Please be mindful of what you place in the dumpster as the container is intended for fall leaves.
Thank you to Bob Limacher for sharing this week's featured photos! According to Bob, the red tailed hawk shown above has been hanging around the golf shop for over a week. Bob also captured a shot of this year's first dusting on Mount Sopris and a vibrant up-close picture of a maple tree.
We would love to feature your photo in an upcoming mailing! If you're interested in having your photo highlighted in the weekly news, please submit images to: jessica.hennessy@rvrma.org.
As is typical this time of year, we are sharing the annual budget as early as we can, giving the community an opportunity to provide feedback on a preliminary budget draft. We invite you to join us for one of two budget Q&A sessions being held at the Ranch House next week in person or via zoom. A draft budget will be sent out to the community prior to the sessions.
Budget Q&A Session #1 | Tuesday, Oct. 15 | 5 to 6 p.m. Whether you plan to attend in-person or via Zoom, please register here.
Budget Q&A Session #2 | Wednesday, Oct. 16 | 9 to 10 a.m. Whether you plan to attend in-person or via Zoom, please register here.
For a detailed breakdown of the proposed budgets please refer to the supplementary documents provided below:
Town of Carbondale Meetings |
- Tree Board Meeting | Thursday, Oct. 17 from 6 - 7 p.m.
- Environmental Board Meeting | Monday, Oct. 21 from 6 - 8 p.m.
- Board of Trustees Meeting | Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 6 - 9 p.m.
- Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting | Thursday, Oct. 24 from 7 - 9 p.m.
Click here to view the Town of Carbondale meeting calendar.
Winter is quickly approaching and the RVR Ski Club is preparing for the ski season. Please enjoy the message below from RVR resident and club organizer, Mike Korber:
I'm dressing warmer now on my bike rides and that is making me think about skiing again. We had a list of 42 RVR residents last year who signed up to participate in the RVR Ski Club. I hope we get even more of you this year too. I know we will be having a November ski presentation like the past two years, so watch for the announcement in the RVR newsletter. If You think you might want to participate in the RVR Ski Club this season please email me to let me know. As we get closer to the Nov. 28 start of the season I will be sending more information about the ski club by email and in the newsletter. I am going to ask the Snowmass ski school if we can get some discounted rates to have one of their full cert instructors spend a day with us and give us feedback on what we are doing on our skis. If anyone has any other suggestions to make the ski club more fun please let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you, Thanks for your interest.
Mike Korber
We ask that RVR homeowners continue to stay vigilant with the ongoing bear activity in the neighborhood. Be sure to keep your home bear-attractant free. Don’t attract bears to your property with garbage, bird feeders, fruit trees and berry bushes, gardens, compost, dirty barbecues (grease cans or drip trays) or pet food.
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The videos shared above were sent in by a homeowner on Heritage Drive.
- RVR Annual Holiday Event | Saturday, Dec. 7 from 5 - 7:30 p.m.
- Donuts with Santa & Mrs. Claus | Saturday, Dec. 14 from 9 - 11 a.m.
| Have any excess veggies or produce you want to share with the community? Bring them down to the Farmer's Table at the Ranch House!
The last day of the Farmer's Table will be Thursday, October 17.
Geology Presentation with Don Marlin
There was so much participation and enthusiasm around the first presentation, Don Marlin is offering a second geology presentation! It will start with a Q&A session to follow up on his first presentation. Then, Don will get into subsurface geologic interpretations of Carbondale, Perham Creek, and Coal Creek Basin. Complimentary.
Wine, beer, and small snacks will be provided.
| End of Season
Tennis Party
We had a wonderful Tennis Season this year and want to celebrate with a bang on Friday, Oct. 25 from 5:30-7:30 p.m., potluck, 50% off of drinks.
Adult Halloween Potluck Party |
| Join us for an adult Halloween Potluck Party on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 5:30- 7:30 p.m.
- Carbondale Flash Mob at 6 p.m.
- Bring a dish to share
- Costumes encouraged
- Drinks provided
- Featuring DJ Benny
Come to a Kids' Halloween party at the Ranch House on Sunday, Oct. 27 from 2:30 - 5 p.m.
- Wear your costume
- Bounce House
- Magic Show
- Flash mob
- Games and Crafts
Want to hand out candy for kids but don't live in the most highly trafficked kid area? How about switching homes with someone who does?
Please call 970-963-6300, email frontdesk@rvrma.org or stop by the front desk if you’d like to add your name to the list.
Craft Fair open from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Come and support community artists. Great holiday gifts!
No registration required for shoppers.
Vendors (RVR Residents only) please email Ali Royer to register: ali.royer@rvrma.org
Winter is coming! Come mingle with fellow skiers in the neighborhood! Bob Engelbrecht, long time ski instructor and RVR resident, will be providing 10-minute time slots to get a “prescription” for your ski setup. Time slots are limited! To register for a slot, please call or stop by the front desk (970) 963-6300. Make sure to bring your set-up if you’re registering for a time slot. Click here to see the time slots we are offering. If you don’t want to bring your set-up or come for a specific time slot, you can still listen to Bob’s advice for others and gain great knowledge! Bob will also have a list of the shops in Snowmass he recommends for excellent tuning.
Plus, enjoy some beverages and snacks, mingle with other skiers in the neighborhood, and connect with the RVR Ski Club. Complimentary, RSVP please so we know how many to expect.
Irrigation Blow-Outs Underway
Irrigation blow-outs are now underway in the community. The team will continue to work on RVR residences through the last week of October. Upon completion, we will place a sticker in your controller showing "2024" once it's winterized.
Stickers will look like the ones above.
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| Please be sure to check the Lost & Found bins the next time you are in the Ranch House! We will donate remaining items after Monday, Oct. 21.
RVR management, together with community members and Lisa DiNardo (Horticulturalist with Eagle Crest Nursery) came together to create a native plant habitat at the Ranch House. The garden is located in the planting bed at the end of the lap pool. It was planted this spring and has already taken off throughout the summer months!
We wanted to create an environment where pollinators can find food and a nesting space that also promotes a native biodiversity.
We invite you to stop by the Ranch House to view our new native plant habitat!
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Lisa shares the following on the Eagle Crest Nursery website, "We humans, being at the top of the food chain, enjoy the greatest creature comforts: favorable housing, access to food at the grocery store and from our gardens, but not so for beneficial insects, pollinators, and animals. They must exist in our transformed environments where the reciprocity between organisms and their food sources has significantly deteriorated.
Decades of clearing indigenous landscapes and building urban and suburban environments have replaced the nutritious original food sources with nonnative plant species that are very challenging for animals and their young to feed on. From an early age we have gleaned, by mostly nonverbal cues, that our gardens and landscapes are things of beauty and status and mistakenly assume that the local park or the narrowly forested tracts along our highways and byways are sufficient for wildlife to sustain themselves." Click here to read the full article.
Drought Tolerant Landscape for Your Home |
Pictured above is an example of an appropriate water-wise landscape design in keeping with the objectives of the River Valley Ranch Design Guidelines.
Click here for a larger, printable version of the drawing.
We are seeing more and more homeowners taking steps towards creating drought tolerant landscape improvements on their properties. RVRMA encourages the use of water conservation practices and it's wonderful to see many in the community are headed in this direction!
The RVRMA DRC and management worked with Professional Landscape Architect, Richard Camp, to create an example drawing of a home in RVR that implements a xeriscape design that is compatible with the overall aesthetic themes in the community. We hope that this example can inspire residents to take even a piece of this plan and execute it at your home.
As a kind reminder, any improvements to the exterior of your home will require approval from the HOA. Many landscape projects can be approved through the Administrative Approval process including landscape installation, tree planting & removal, raised garden beds and more. More complex landscape projects may require a more formal design review by the DRC. In all cases, please fill out and submit a Home Improvement Application.
For a list of appropriate drought tolerant trees, click here to visit the CSU website.
You can find more information on the RVR website here.
The Boundary Association
Quarterly Board Meeting |
Boundary board meetings are for Boundary property owners of record only.
| Boundary owners are invited to attend the Boundary Homeowners Association Quarterly Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 3p.m. Owners can participate in person in the Ranch House conference room or via Zoom.
Click here for Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 857 3532 7841
Passcode: 926846
View the agenda here.
With election season here, we would like to remind RVR homeowners of our sign and flag policy. RVRMA's policy restricts size, placement and quantity. Similarly, the same restrictions apply to flags. With limited and clearly defined exceptions, each lot is allowed one sign and one flag. For properties that back onto the golf course, pedestrian easement or a public park, a second sign is permitted with different size restrictions. Please make sure signs are not placed in common areas or the right of way in front of your property.
Please review the policy for specific guidelines here.
Homeowners may now
install deer fencing!
Homeowners may now install deer fencing to protect their valuable landscaping from our resident mule deer.
To read more about RVR deer fencing guidelines, see section 6.58.1 of the Design Guidelines.
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Thursdays with Shelly from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Join us Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. for Vinyasa Flow (moderate) with Shelly. This class is designed for those who are seeking a more vigorous yoga workout that will deliver strength, cardio and flexibility as well as assist in focusing the mind. This class offers a dynamic, continuous flow that connects breath to movement in a sequence of poses that will include sun salutations, down dog, planks, twists, lunges and balancing poses. Note: Some experience practicing yoga is helpful but not necessary. This class requires the mobility to step from down dog to high/low lunges multiple times throughout the hour.
She also teaches Gentle Slow Flow Yoga on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and Friday at 8 a.m. This class is designed to strengthen and increase the body’s flexibility while calming the nervous system and focusing the mind. We’ll begin class by settling onto our mats while tuning our attention to and deepening our breath. Next, we’ll begin moving slowly with both seated and supine poses to slowly stretch the back, legs and hips, eventually moving to forward fold and standing poses designed to increase our balance, physical and mental strength, body awareness and coordination. Note: This class requires the mobility to safely move from the floor to standing several times throughout the hour. This class is designed and appropriate for most levels of mobility and fitness.
- Carbondale Homeless Assistance is now accepting donations for the winter season.
Donations can be delivered to Amore Realty, 711 Main St, Carbondale Co.81623
Click here to learn more. -
European Caterers Thanksgiving Day Menu. Delivery orders now available to reserve. Click here to learn more.
Urbane Coyote at Heathers in Basalt on Friday, Oct. 11 from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Final Sunday Session at El Dorado Bar and Lounge on Sunday, Oct. 13 from 4 - 7 p.m. 10% of revenue will be donated to KDNK for the night.
Octoberfest at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Click here to view upcoming events at TACAW.
- Character Strengths: Heyday Revolution Workshop #4 with Julies Oldham on Thursday, Oct. 17 from 6 - 7:45 p.m. Early Bird $40 GA$50. Use the promocode "heyday" for an additional $5 off.
Click here for the flyer.
Click here for tickets. - Backcountry Ski Swap at Cripple Creek Backcountry on Saturday, Oct. 19 starting at 9 a.m. Click here for more info.
- Garfield County Library United against Book Bans Rally on Saturday, Oct. 19 at Centennial Park in Glenwood Springs from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Click here for the flyer. -
Halloween Ball at Hotel Colorado on Friday, Oct. 25. Click here for more info.
Consensual Improv: Halloween Spooktacular at Wheeler Opera House on Friday, Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m.
Halloween Spooktacular and Spooky Skate on Saturday, Oct. 26 at Glenwood Rec Center from 3 - 7 p.m.
Halloween Bash FT Joe Hertler and The Rainbow Seekers at TACAW on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 7:30 - 12 p.m.
KDNK Halloween Dance Party at Third Street Center on Wednesday, Oct. 31 from 6 - 11 p.m.
- Kids- Embark on a European Art Safari This Year!
Join creative after-school art classes and winter holiday camps featuring lovable animals. Pandas in Paris, Giraffes in Germany, and more! Enroll with Pam Porter at: thecreativeflowstudio.com
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