Dear Student,
I want to give you an update on the ongoing negotiations between the university and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 509, who represent Arts and Sciences (including SMFA) full-time lecturers (FTLs) with regard to their compensation and terms and conditions of employment.
Since Spring 2024, the university and the SEIU have been engaged in good faith collective bargaining towards a third contract for their unit. We paused negotiations in June 2024 at the union's request due to staffing changes on their end. Negotiations resumed in October 2024.
We understand and some of you have heard that the FTL union is planning a two-day walk-out on Monday, January 27 and Tuesday, January 28. The university expects, if the union proceeds as planned, that no full-time lecturers will engage in any work on behalf of the School of Arts and Sciences on those two days.
While the full-time lecturers may have a walk-out, it is important to note classes are not cancelled these two days. We do not anticipate any classes, lectures, or labs taught by tenured or tenure-stream faculty, part-time lectures, professors of the practice or graduate teaching assistants to be disrupted.
In preparation for this walk-out, we ask that you review these Frequently Asked Questions on what to expect.
Many thanks,
Bárbara M. Brizuela
Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Education