Watch the State of the School Address + hear from your student's teachers!
Watch the State of the School Address + hear from your student's teachers!

Dear Parents:

One way we like to display our commitment to partnership with you is to provide an opportunity for you to get to know your students’ teachers. While we would like to meet with you face-to-face and invite you on campus for the tradition of Day in the Life, we believe it is important to protect the health of our community. Instead of our traditional in-person event, we will provide unique ways for you to connect via video.
First, listen to Dr. Gary Fisher's State of the School Address and learn how Valor has made preparations for a great school year.

Meet the Teachers

Meeting with your students' teachers is usually a major highlight at Day in the Life. This year, the heart and soul given by our faculty during this time has been monumental. I’m thankful for their willingness to honor God’s calling on their lives to be with our students and serve as a vital part of the Valor community. Our faculty have been asked to adapt to ever-changing and unusual circumstances. They have been working incredibly hard at learning new technology, planning digital learning opportunities, adjusting to new classroom cleaning protocols, and seeking to support the many different needs of students during this season.
The thing I know about our teachers is they are not in it for the paycheck, to climb a corporate ladder, or even to be recognized. Valor teachers care greatly about modeling a relationship with Jesus and desire to actively mentor students toward Christian maturity. One of the greatest, yet challenging aspects of teaching is the planting of seeds. We may not always see the fruits of our labor in the short term, but we trust the work of the Holy Spirit to bring fruit to our labor.
Our faculty look forward to partnering with you throughout the year. This year, you can get to know them by watching videos they've prepared. To access the videos for each of your student’s teachers, find their name on the Day in the Life landing page then click the drop-down to find the appropriate class title. 
Watch Teacher Videos
As always, please be sure to reach out to us directly if there are ways we can better support your student. We want to be transparent with you, listen and consider your input, communicate well, and be available to you.  Thank you for entrusting your student to us. We look forward to working with you and pray that your student learns and grows throughout their time with us this year.
In partnership with you,
Rebecca Thomas
Academic Dean
Communication Essentials
Attendance Line: 303.471.3100
Front Desk: 303.471.3000
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