Hi Friend of the CTE,
We are fired up (get it? fireworks!) for the Lilly Conference and how the program is shaping up for November. Make sure you submit your proposal by the extended deadline. Also, have a look at useful teaching resources we've curated just for you.
Reminder: Lilly Proposal Submission Extended to July 5 |
Check Out New Titles in the CTE Library |
Did you know the CTE has a library of over 1000 titles on teaching and learning topics? Our newest books are pictured below. As you seek to innovate in your teaching, view the collection via the CTE Library, and we'll gladly send your selection(s) to you via campus mail. Or you can stop by 317 Laws Hall to pick it up.
Transformative Teaching Techniques |
This Faculty Focus article follows one instructor's end-of-year reflection and highlights useful strategies associated with her growth as a teacher. Many of the strategies align with student-centered and inclusive pedagogies shown to support student learning.
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| Using Social Media in the Classroom |
This Faculty Focus article offers guidance for how using social media as a learning tool in your courses can improve student belonging, persistence, and overall success
Advice Guides for Teaching From the Chronicle |
Center for Teaching Excellence
317 Laws Hall
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