Lunar News—February 1, 2016
Imbolc Tuesday—February 2 Imbolc/Mid-Winter: celebration, prophecy, purification, initiation—Candlemas (Christian), New Year (Tibetan, Chinese, Iroquois), Tu Bi-Shevat (Jewish). Goddess Festivals: Brigit, Brighid, Brigid (Celtic).
Moon Transits this week: Scorpio/Sagittarius/Capricorn
The name, Imbolc, comes from “i mbolg,” Old Gaelic for “in the belly.” What fertile seed is beginning to grow down in the belly of your deepest being? This is the Holy Day for claiming the Light, the Life, the New that longs to grow from you and through you—claiming it, saying yes to it, honoring it with intention and blessing. We’ve been a thought thrumming in the hush of infinity, unnamed desire nestled in the dark swell of winter. It’s delicious riding the wave of infinite potentials, and then there comes a moment to shift out of the void, grab hold of your dream and leap with it into the Real. It’s time to Initiate. Time to place your bet on your own creative power. Time to let the Goddess of Light shine through you. Remember we are layered beings—animal, plant, crystal sleep in the secret strata of bone, blood, brain, aura. Draw on their dreams at this Imbolc Visioning Initiation time.
We'Moon 2016 Imbolc Holy Day Writing by Miriam Dyak © Mother Tongue Ink 2015
On a winter’s day
—a quote from “A Summer’s Day, by Mary Oliver
I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
Into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
How to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
Which is what I’ve been doing all day long.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn’t everything die at last and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life? . . .
. . . Tuesday, February 2: The Moon enters more outgoing and nature-centered Sagittarius just in time to listen to the groundhogs and other animals, and think about the next few months ahead. People are restless, so instead of asking them to hold still and keep their nose to the grindstone, brainstorm possibilities and make travel plans. Take a field trip. Watch a tendency to drop everything and run away, as it may or may not be useful to take this approach. . .
. . . So, as we contemplate what we are to do with our one wild and precious life in the year ahead, let us stand our ground in a healthy way and revere and protect the Venusian archetype in the world around us. . . .