CTE News - November 28, 2023
CTE News - November 28, 2023
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CTE News

November 28, 2023
Hi Friend of the CTE, 
We celebrate a successful Lilly Conference! Sign up for a Winter Term SoTL Workshop or a Book Club, and engage helpful resources. 
Upcoming Workshop
WorkShop spelled on blocks
From Scholarly Teaching to SoTL: A Workshop on Presenting and Publishing
In this two-part workshop we will explore the process for developing a classroom research project into a submission to a scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) conference or journal. In-person only, at 320 Laws Hall. It is highly recommended to attend both sessions. In order to attend the second session, you must attend the first session. Attendees should bring a laptop to the sessions.
Register Now for Tuesday, January 9, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Register Now for Thursday, January 11, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
News and Information
Winter Term Book Clubs - Only a Few Spaces Remain!
Winter term is a great time to read a new book on effective teaching and talk about it with colleagues. We’ll buy the books and facilitate the virtual discussion session.
Wednesday, January 10, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Register now for Improving Learning and Mental Health in the College Classroom.
Wednesday, January 18, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Register now for Relationship-Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College.
A Big Lilly Conference
Thank You!
We thank everyone who helped make the 42nd  Original Lilly Conference on College Teaching, held at Armstrong Student Center November 16-18, a giant success! This year there were 323 total attendees from across the nation and the world, including 131 faculty, graduate students, and staff from Miami. 
Mark your calendar for the 43rd Original Lilly Conference: November 21-23, 2024!
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Thank a Staff Member!
Miami University staff support instructors in countless ways. Please take a few minutes to reflect on which staff members have assisted you in carrying out your work this semester, and send each a short email to say "thank you."

Helping Students Accurately Assess Their Skills
Students’ beliefs about or inability to assess their level of skill development can impede their learning. In this article from The Teaching Professor, Maryellen Weimer explains how instructors can motivate students to develop and assess their skills by setting realistic course goals and providing clear assessment criteria for every assignment.

Opportunities From Our Partners
Office of Research for Undergraduates Upcoming Deadlines  
Please note the upcoming student application deadlines for program funding opportunities.
  • February 16, 2024: Undergraduate Summer Scholars 2024 Program application deadline
  • March 4, 2024: Undergraduate Research Award Program application deadline 
For more Information, contact undergradresearch@miamioh.edu.

GC3 Go2Knowledge Virtual Trainings  
Check out the upcoming December 2023 and January 2024 virtual trainings for faculty and staff available from the Greater Cincinnati Collegiate Connection (GC3).
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