B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   D E C E M B E R   2 O 2 1
This holiday season, BNIM moves toward the beginning of a new year inspired and motivated to listen, innovate, and design with grace in mind. In 2022, we will continue to build momentum for a collective pursuit of deep and sustained change in design thinking across our profession, shaped by a spirit of generosity and inclusivity to expand access for all. This means being intentional in our approach to creating inclusive and gracious spaces; broadening our understanding of the full spectrum of human needs; and helping redefine our firm and industry standards for sustainability and resiliency through the human-purposed lens of gracious, inclusive, and equitable design.
We look forward to the new year ahead at BNIM, and we wish our clients, collaborators, friends, and families a wonderful, happy, and healthy holiday season! 
BNIM offices in Kansas City, Des Moines, and San Diego will be closed December 24, 2021, through January 3, 2022.
mindful - As a perfect mirror reflection of the letters bnim, mindful is this place for communication, where we reflect upon projects, people and events to share beyond the firm’s walls. To subscribe, please click here
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