María Corina Machado Receives Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage |
From an undisclosed location in her home country of Venezuela, María Corina Machado joined online to participate in the celebration held at the Biltmore Hotel in Tech Square, where she was awarded the Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage. View the video.
| Dhongde Selected for Higher Education Leadership Institute |
Associate Dean Shatakshee Dhongde is one of about 50 higher education leaders nationwide recently selected to attend the Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) Leadership Institute, which provides emerging and established leaders with programming and support.
| Nunn Symposium Examines Dollar’s Challenged Global Role |
The U.S. dollar has long been unchallenged as the dominant global currency. Whether that will continue to be the case was the subject of the recent Nunn Symposium, held at the Georgia Tech Alumni House.
Cassidy R. Sugimoto and John Walsh (Public Policy) traveled to South Korea to present their research. Walsh and public policy alum Jeongwon Choi gave a talk on "Innovation in the AI economy." Sugimoto presented a keynote lecture on evidence-based science diplomacy at the event, "Growing Korean Research Performance in an Uncertain World," hosted by Nature Index. She also participated in a roundtable discussion and gave a lecture at Sungkyunwan University in Seoul.
Britta Kallin (Modern Languages) will present on "Sustainable Development as a Specific Purpose in Language and Culture Education" and "Sustainable Development in Germany" in a Feb 26 online panel discussion on Social Justice and Language Learning for Specific Purposes at Fordham University.
Professor Emeritus Robert Kennedy (International Affairs) will retire as president and chief executive officer of the Atlanta Council on International Relations (ACIR) on Feb. 22, following a 10-year tenure at the helm of the organization. The ACIR focuses on the intersection of international affairs and global security issues.
Jacqueline Jones Royster (Literature, Media, and Communication)
Richard Utz (Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts)
Christian Science Monitor
Mark Zachary Taylor (Public Policy)
24/7 Wall Street
Sunday, March 2 – Saturday, March 29
John Lewis Student Center, Cypress and Atlantic Theaters
The Global Media Festival is our annual film and discussion series on sustainability and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals across cultures. We will present 10 curated events featuring many countries and cultures, covering themes such as food production, ecotourism, land use, climate change, gender inequality, autism, and war & peace.
All screenings are free and open to the public.
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