Get to know the new tracks and submit for the OpenStack Summit Vancouver
Get to know the new tracks and submit for the OpenStack Summit Vancouver
Vancouver Summit CFP closes February 8, 11:59pm PT

Meet the new Vancouver Summit Tracks

The Call for Presentations for the Vancouver Summit, May 21-24, is now open. This Summit will cover more than just OpenStack, and there’s a new track lineup that reflects those changes. We’ll be featuring the newest project at the Foundation, Kata Containers, as well as recruiting presentations from projects like Ansible, Ceph, Kubernetes, ONAP and more.

We encourage you to submit proposals covering many open infrastructure tools and the integration work needed to solve these problems, as well as invite peers from other open source communities to come speak and collaborate. 

Vancouver Summit Tracks
CI / CD 
Container Infrastructure 
Edge Computing
Open Source Community
Private & Hybrid Cloud
Public Cloud
Telecom & NFV

Get started: The deadline to submit presentations is February 8, 2018.

Don’t want to talk? Then get your early bird ticket and hotel now! Hotels sold out at the 2015 Vancouver Summit and we expect the same this year. 

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