November 24, 2021  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

We Give Thanks for You! Sunday night's Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner was attended by many and enjoyed by all. The food was delicious (especially Louise's cornbread dressing), the decorations delightful (thanks Taylor Pruett), and an opportunity to fellowship face-to-face was something we have all been looking forward to. We also wished happy days ahead for David and Margo Bowers as they move to Texas to be near their grandson and family. Our prayer for you is a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.

Church Office is closing at 2:00pm. today.
We will be using "Shadow and Light: a Journey into Advent" by Tsh Oxenreider to guide us through the Advent season.  If you are following along with the book, take a look at this online resource where you will find links to artwork named in the book and even a Spotify playlist (you can search "Shadow and Light Advent" in Spotify to find the playlist).
PHUMC has several young people starring in this production! Come watch them. 
Happy Thanksgiving, from PHUMC Youth
Youth enjoy Church Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday night.

Winter Retreat at Camp Wesley Pines, Jan.15-17. Cost is $150, $50 deposit due by Dec.1st to reserve your spot. We need drivers/chaperones. Sign up here.
Youth Lock-In December  17-18 6pm to 9:30 am. Talk to Geoff and sign up here to bring food and to chaperone. 

Christmas Glow Party!

We are planning a Christmas Glow Party for our kids ministry. There will be a brief meeting after worship November 28 to nail down all the plans. Parents of children 4th grade and under and anyone interested in aiding are encouraged to attend. See Molly Kirk for more info.

The Choir Has Reunited!

The next choir practice will be held November 28 at 5:30pm. Plans are underway for special music during the Advent season. Contact David with questions.

                        Meeting This Week:                                      
Men's Morning Group  meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am. Join them here at PHUMC in The Garden Multipurpose Room, or continue to join via Zoom (not meeting tomorrow; Happy Thanksgiving)
Meeting ID: 880 5946 1889
Password: 440027
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 328 170 485
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Prayer Quilt Ministry meets every Monday from Noon to 3:00, but is not meeting Nov. 29th. 
Join us in the Garden Multipurpose Room to create beautiful, comforting quilts for children in distress. 

Record of Our Faithfulness
Year-To-Date: October 2021
Income: $587,503.13
(Income includes $68,292.50 CARES Act/PPP Grant)
Expenses: $599,210.18
November's Communion Offering: $675.00

To donate to Communion offering, text $any amount followed by the word Communion to
Stewardship Goal: 
"Debt-Free in '23"
Mortgage Loan Principal Balance: $228,785.82
(only 14 remaining payments!)
       A gift has been received in memory of Mary Mayhugh.                 
Remember to return your pledge cards. You may also go to our website, to submit your pledge.
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