September 1, 2022 | 5 Elul 5782
Reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world.
Parashat Shoftim | Candlelighting 7:00 PM EST
“Syncopation”: Israeli art from Hebrew College’s permanent collection in celebration of Israel’s 75th anniversary
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“Without words, these artists capture the pace and rhythm of life in Israel in the 1970s. As with syncopation, their mark-making strategies are often surprising, creating rhythms that are multiple, varied, and overlapping. These energies describe the culture and country. Time, too, is related to the title, connecting two different ways to 'see' the exhibit. You’ll encounter visions of parched deserts in Gross’s art, the blue Mediterranean in Alima’s prints, and the mystic aura of Safed in Levy’s watercolors. There are deep connections with the love of this timeless land.” — Deborah Feinstein, curator, founding chair of the Hebrew College Arts Initiative, and member of the Hebrew College Board of Trustees.
| "Untitled" by Israeli artist Rita Alima
Prozdor Kicks off Next Chapter with New Director
“These past few years have been so hard for many teens. Both the pandemic and the social justice issues that we as a society grapple with so acutely seem to have a particularly profound effect on teens. It no longer works [for Jewish educators] to simply rely on a sense of tradition or obligation to motivate people to participate. We need to make the case for how Judaism actually helps individuals navigate life—how it can provide spiritual growth, intellectual growth, and a true sense of community. Teens need those things, just as we all do.” — Bridget Connor-Feldbaum, director of Hebrew College Prozdor
View Prozdor's fall courses on happiness, Jewish Identity, Jewish Mindfulness, Hebrew language, and more. Register now.
This past summer I made my way through The Overstory, a sweeping work of fiction by Richard Powers. A Pulitzer Prize winner in 2019, the novel weaves together nine stories of Americans fighting the deforestation of the California redwoods. One of them, the plant ecologist Dr. Patricia Westerford, writes the following in her book on the power of trees:
“Trees know when we’re close by. The chemistry of their roots and the perfumes their leaves pump out change when we’re near… When you feel good after a walk in the woods, it may be that certain species are bribing you. So many wonder drugs have come from trees, and we haven’t yet scratched the surface of the offerings. Trees have long been trying to reach us. But they speak on frequencies too low for people to hear.”
What might the trees be trying to tell us?
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Prozdor Alumnus Offers Living Legacy of Tikkun Olam
Rand Hoch (Prozdor `73) says he's always thinking back on what he learned at Prozdor. His time in the program led him to support Hebrew College both through generous annual campaign donations and by including the College in his estate planning.
“For those of us who’ve been impacted tremendously by our education at Hebrew College, it’s very easy to say ‘this is what I want to do,’ so I made that a part of my estate.”
Catch up on recent Hebrew College news and stories, including articles about faculty, students, and alumni who have been recognized for their work and scholarship. Read more...
“For me, Dancing in God’s Earthquake is the harvest of my life’s work. Like any harvest, it is seeded in the past to feed the future. For the world, I hope it awakens especially understandings: that there is a through-line in the Hebrew Bible for a sane and loving relationship with Earth; that the Bible, far from commanding the subordination of women, is calling for the liberation of women and all sexualities and genders to fully equal status in the world; and that the Bible calls for a ecological, not hierarchical, understanding of not only the biological world but the social, cultural, religious, and political worlds as well.”
- Rabbi Arthur Waskow
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Dancing in God’s Earthquake: An Evening with Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Moderated by Rabbi Or Rose, director of the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College September 8 | 7-8:30 p.m. Hebrew College & Zoom Learn more & Register
“Taste of Me’ah Classic” - In-Person Me’ah Classic is back in person! September 13 | 10-11:30 a.m. Temple Emanuel | 385 Ward St | Newton, MA
Learn more & Register
Remembering Loved Ones Who Died By Suicide
Led by Hebrew College alumna Rabbi Suzanne Offit and Marjie Sokoll, M.Ed., director of the JF&CS Betty Ann Greenbaum Miller Center for Jewish Healing Sponsored by JF&CS, Hebrew College, and CJP September 19 | 6:30-7 p.m. Zoom Learn more & Register
HEBREW COLLGE FALL ART EXHIBIT OPENING Syncopation: Lyrical Abstraction in Israeli Art (1970s) Featuring Israeli art from Hebrew College’s permanent collection in celebration Israel’s 75th anniversary September 20 | 7-8:30 p.m. Hebrew College Ted Cutler Atrium
Learn more & RSVP
Ta Sh'ma (Come & Hear) Ordination Programs Open Houses For prospective rabbis and cantors
Virtual Open House: October 30, 2-5:30 p.m.
In-Person Open House: November 14 at Hebrew College Learn more & RSVP
Please help open the doors of Jewish learning to students of all backgrounds and ages—and join Hebrew College is making our lives more meaningful, our communities more vibrant, and our world more whole. Your gift of any amount will make a real difference. Make a gift.
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