TDSB Chair's Newsletter

Volume 11 - September 2017


Welcome to the 2017-18 School Year!
To help parents and students get started on the right foot, we have put together a website full of great resources, including homework tips, school year calendar, contact information and more.
We are committed to keeping in touch with you through email, regular webcasts, ward forums and through Twitter and Facebook.
School is an exciting time for students of all ages – even adults!
We are all looking forward to a great school year ahead!
Extreme Heat Update
The TDSB has put in place a number of strategies to manage extreme heat in schools that do not have air conditioning. We are doing everything within our means to alleviate some of the discomfort being experienced by students and staff. Learn more.
Trustee Ward Boundary Review
The Toronto District School Board is undertaking a Trustee Ward Boundary Review in order to align with the new City of Toronto wards recently enacted by Toronto City Council. Members of the public are invited to provide feedback on the proposed options through public meetings and an online survey.
To learn more and provide input, please visit:
Public Meeting Dates:





Monday, October 30


5050 Yonge Street

Committee Room A, Main Floor

Monday, November 6


140 Borough Drive


Wednesday, November 8


1 Civic Centre Court

In-Service Room

EQAO and OSSLT Results
On September 20, the TDSB released its Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) 2016-17 achievement results.

This included results for:
  • Grades 3 and 6 Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics
  • Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics
  • Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.
Following the release of EQAO and OSSLT results, TDSB staff, administrators and teachers analyze the data to determine appropriate strategies, programs and initiatives aimed at improving student achievement in reading, writing, and mathematics.
To learn more and view the full results, please visit:
City and TDSB Join Together for Groundbreaking of Canoe Landing Facility 
Mayor John Tory, TDSB Board Chair Robin Pilkey and TDSB Ward 10 Trustee Ausma Malik, along with several other City of Toronto and school board officials from the TDSB and TCDSB, celebrated the groundbreaking of Canoe Landing. This multi-use facility, formerly known as Block 31, will house a community centre and two new schools. Learn more.
Ministry of Education Announces New Programs and Funds

Over the past month, the provincial government has made a number of education-related announcements. New funding has been earmarked to support student well-being through active transportation programs, funding for individual school board’s priorities, violence prevention and more.
The Kindergarten to Grade 12 curriculum and assessment will be modernized, which will include new report cards for the 2018-19 school year. The process will also incorporate public consultations.
Finally, the Ministry of Education released its three-year Education Equity Action Plan which, much like the TDSB’s equity work, highlights the importance of identifying and reducing barriers to student success.
Update on TDSB Wi-Fi Access

Over the summer, work started to move our schools to a faster, more reliable internet network. As a result, access to Snapchat, Instagram and Netflix will continue to be blocked to help alleviate congestion and boost network capacity while minimizing the impact on teaching and learning. The decision will be revisited in June 2018. 

TDSB Top Scholars for 2016-2017 Announced
The Toronto District School Board is pleased to announce this year's TDSB Top Scholars. The following nine students attained averages of 99% or above during the 2016-2017 academic year.
  • Jessica Chan – Dr. Norman Bethune CI
  • Roi Levy - William Lyon Mackenzie CI
  • Maunica Toleti - SATEC @ W A Porter CI
  • Aviv Padawer-Blatt - Bloor CI
  • Gwyneth Campbell - Contact Alternative School
  • Hannah He - Marc Garneau CI
  • Jason Huang - Marc Garneau CI
  • Ryan Lin - Marc Garneau CI
  • Jacqueline McLean - Richview CI

TDSB Legal Services Wins Innovation Award
The TDSB’s Legal Services department was given the top award “Innovation of the Year” at Canadian Lawyer InHouse Magazine’s Innovation Awards ceremony. The department also won awards for Law Department Management, Public Sector and for Diversity, Public Sector, Small Departments.
For more information, read the September 2017 digital edition of Canadian Lawyer InHouse Magazine or visit the Innovation 2017 website.  
Director John Malloy Honoured with EXL Award
This summer, Director John Malloy received the EXL Award, which is presented annually by the Canadian Association of School System Administrators and XEROX Canada. The award recognizes members of the superintendency who helped advance education and educational administration at the local, provincial and national levels. It also acknowledges the important role that education leaders play in building cultures of excellence and establishing environments that nurture positive attitudes towards lifelong learning.
Superintendent Chanicka and Executive Superintendent Spyropoulos Win Human Rights Award
On August 27, Jim Spyropoulos, Executive Superintendent, Equity, Engagement and Well-being and Jeewan Chanicka, Superintendent, Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression, received a human rights awards from the National Council of Canadian Muslims. They were honoured for their ongoing efforts at the TDSB to ensure inclusive schools for all students.
Heritage Months and Celebrations at the TDSB
In September, the TDSB marks many important events:
  • Caring and Safe Schools Weeks are held each year in mid-September to highlight and celebrate the outstanding partnerships and programs that promote harmony and respect in our schools.
  • Orange Shirt Day recognizes the harm that the Residential School System did to First Nations, Métis and Inuit children and honours the message that every child matters. TDSB students and staff will wear orange shirts on September 29 to mark this day.


School Resource Officer Update
The Board voted to review the School Resource Officer (SRO) program beginning this September 2017. Read the Board decision (page 20). The SRO program sees officers from the Toronto Police Service (TPS) assigned to 45 of the TDSB's 584 schools.
To allow for open and unbiased input, the Board decided to suspend the program during the course of the review. Read the Board decision (page 1).
The review includes a survey, to gather the input of staff and students at the 45 schools that have had an SRO, and community consultations. Visit our webpage for more information about community consultations, including the dates and locations. 
Once this review is complete, a decision about the continuation of the program will be made. 
The Community School Liaison Officer program, which serves elementary schools in Toronto, is not affected by the review and continues.
TDSB to Review Permit Requests From Hate Groups
The Board has directed staff to review policies and procedures for issuing permits for TDSB facilities to ensure that schools do not become forums for spreading anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and any form of hatred. Read the Board decision (page 3).

TDSB Trustees

TDSB Director
of Education

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