St. A's Weekly Newsletter
St. A's Weekly Newsletter
Please plan to attend the Diocesan Task Force's "Afternoon of Conversation Regarding the Use of the Trial Liturgies for Same-Sex Marriage within the Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee." While it was wonderful to gather as ASAP over the summer, we need to have a big showing and voice at this event.

Chapel Life Transitions

We grieve with

Jean Jackson with the death of her grandmother, Jewell.


Reflection about

the Las Vegas Tragedy: 

I received a call from Blair Garner, host of a nationally syndicated country show, shortly after the horrific shooting in Las Vegas that claimed more lives in recent history.  He had my husband and son on the air singing about love.  Marcus and Levi Hummon are both country music artists and writers who had friends in the festival in Las Vegas.  Blair wanted them to come on the show and simply sing about love.  Sometime during the show Blair decided to call me.  “Hey Becca”, its Blair.  We need a word of encouragement from you.  Lots of people are questioning their faith and we are looking for some answers.”  Live on the air and on the spot, I said the first things on my heart.  I expressed my grief and anger on behalf of the victims and said that this is not an event to question our faith.  This is not an act of God.  This is a time to lean into our faith.  We can and should question a lot of things about how this latest mass shooting happened, but it is our faith that will carry us through. It is our faith that can transform the brokenness into compassion.  I told him that I thought this is a time for remembering all we have lost through violence and injustice and to be a community. 
History tells us that when a community is struck by unthinkable tragedy there is the common thread of gather.  Community is the binding force that holds us together, holds us up, and holds us accountable when fear, anxiety and grief want to pull us apart.  Amid the wailing and questions there are altars, vigils and strangers loving one another.  We need each other is the message that should shine through on dark days and long nights.  I believe that the fiber that of our common thread is love and this is a time to hold on to that thread for dear life.  We are a divided and angry nation.  There needs to be voices of healing, calling us to be a community.  There has to be more voices that remind us that people want to be loved and feel safe.
This fall there has been tragedy upon tragedy that each individual family involved will deal with for generations to come. In the thistle farms community we have welcomed new women who have experienced unthinkable violence and will need years of healing.  I just met with a young woman in Birmingham who has spent the last week trying to get her mother out of Puerto Rico to receive medical care.  In my childhood I lost a father to the violence of a drunk driver, and my children still feel some ripple effects from my trauma.  The violence in Las Vegas will ripple through the communities effected for decades.  What I know is that love will be stronger and last longer.  What I know is the healing, in the face of injustice, violence, and senseless acts, is possible. 
This is a time to reach out, not pull back.  This is a time to welcome the stranger, to seek the silent woods for some solace, and to help a neighbor in need.  
Peace and Love,
Becca Stevens

Worship & Education

Sunday, October 8
8 a.m. Contemplative Eucharist at the A-Frame Chapel
 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist at Benton Chapel with Rev. Becca Stevens preaching

Education classes will resume next Sunday, October 15th after the Parish Retreat this weekend.

If you have missed a Sunday recently at St. Augustine's, you can listen to the sermons here.

A-Frame Chapel, St. Augustine's, 200 24th Ave. South
Benton Chapel, Vanderbilt Divinity School, 21st Ave & Scarritt Place

Upcoming Events and News

Just Sayin'

Just Sayin' is dedicated to growing and celebrating the art and craft of storytelling in the St A's community. Our kickoff event will be October 26 at Thistle Farms Education Space at 6.30PM. The theme for our first slate of stories will be "Scared Silly". If you are interested in sharing your “Scared Silly” story for our first event, send a brief email about your story idea to Personal stories should be 10 mins or less and should be told, not read. Prepare to have fun, be delighted and gather together in an evening of "remember that time." It's a free event; bring your own food and drink.

Blue Jean Gala for La Escuela

Sunday, October 22
Emma Bistro @ 6 p.m.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 22 when we will hold our annual silent auction to benefit St A's spring medical pilgrimage to Escuela Anne Stevens in San Eduardo, Ecuador. Ticket sales for our Blue Jean Gala for La Escuela will continue this Sunday in Benton Chapel. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased with cash, check, or card. WE ARE STILL ACCEPTING AUCTION ITEMS!!  Please consider donating an item or service for the auction.  Some items you might donate are gift cards, themed gift baskets, autographed sports or music memorabilia, services, lessons, dinners, home concerts, event tickets, and a week or weekend at your vacation home. The sky is the limit! Questions? Please contact Elaine VanCleave or ML Hemmeter.
Click here to donate auction item.

Open House on Race & Reconciliation

Hosted the Task Force on Racial Reconciliation in Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee
Sunday, October 29 at 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
St. Anselm's Episcopal Church
2008 Meharry Blvd, Nashville, Tennessee 37208

Please join us for a time of food, fellowship and learning about the work of the Beloved Community: Commission on Race and Reconciliation. Members of the Commission will share stories of the work we have done so far including The Walk for Love, the lynching memorial service, “Reclaiming Hope Through Remembering,” the full inclusivity initiative encouraging racial diversity in our diocese, ongoing investigative research on lynching cold cases, and the concept of “words matter.” We will take time to dream together about the work we have yet to do. We welcome your input and participation! Questions? Ask Mary Murphy.

EYC Save the Date for a Hiking Adventure

Sunday, October 29th the 7th - 12th grade youth will be going hiking at Percy Warner. Details TBA. 
Hello St. A !

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We want to improve communication with our community. Please help us by taking 60 seconds to update your information. This information will not be shared. Thank you!  
Peace, The St. Augustine's Chapel Staff
Share your contact information. Please!
Weekly Prayer Circle & Requests
Please join our email prayer circle. You will receive a weekly email on Thursdays asking for prayers for people in our community. Just email with your prayer request or simply a request to receive the weekly email.

Wednesday Nights at St. A's "The Capacity to Love"

Dinner: 5:30 p.m. & Eucharist: 6:15 p.m.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, the 27th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, in a recent sermon spoke about how we are part of the Jesus Movement: a community of people centered on following Jesus into loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with creation. As his followers, we long to build our own capacity to love, liberate and share life. For the fall season, we will explore through music, prayer, story, and the Eucharist how to further cultivate and embody Jesus Movement behaviors.
October 4 Belovedness: Scott Owings

Children's Choir

No experience required, just come have fun and sing! Choir for 1st - 6th graders meets during the 9:30 service at Benton between the the Gospel and the Eucharist. Email Hannah Meyers and/or Susan Ferguson with questions and to sign up.
Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer meets twice a month and offers an opportunity for about 25 minutes of silence, meditation, and awareness of God’s presence. All are invited the second and fourth Tuesday at 7 a.m.  Questions? Email Rev. Scott Owings


Refugee Faith

Christ Church Cathedral
October 6 & 7

The international refugee crisis and the unfolding national debate over for whom and how we provide sanctuary provides the backdrop for Dr. Melissa Snarr’s weekend series about how biblical stories of refugees teach us about the nature and purposes of God. Dr. Snarr is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt Divinity School. Click here to register.
Friday Schedule: Reception: 5:45 p.m., Dinner: 6:15 p.m., Lecture: 7:00-8:30 p.m. Saturday Schedule: Lecture: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

"A Sacred Calling: Faith Communities Caring for Our Earth"

 A conference of Tennessee Interfaith Power & Light
Saturday, October 14, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at West End United Methodist Church Nashville 
Spend a day learning and strategizing about protecting this beautiful, abundant earth and all living things sustained by it. The keynote speaker will be Rev. Fletcher Harper, Episcopal priest and Executive Director of GreenFaith, an international interfaith earth care organization. The title of his talk is: “I Believe Three Things: Core Values Connecting Religion and the Environment.” Workshops will be offered on:  (1) practical steps that local houses of worship can take to be better caretakers of the earth; (2) educational and worship resources that can be used in a variety of faith settings; (3) advocacy strategies for shaping public policy; and (4) models and strategies for integrating earth care into the life of your house of worship.
The cost (including lunch) is: $20 for adults and $12 for students and young people. Child care for ages 0-5 is available for $5 per child.  Register here.  Registration deadline is noon, Oct. 11. For more information, contact Rev. Paul Slentz, or Anne Hardin,
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