June 14, 2023 | 25 Sivan 5783
Shalom, Hebrew College teen friends and family!
I'm delighted to share this email about our teen learning programs with you. I'm so proud of our learners whether they are learning about Jewish texts or Hebrew at Prozdor or reading Talmudic texts closely in Teen Beit Midrash or learning skills of philanthropy steeped in Jewish values. Our teens are working diligently to build new skills and develop new knowledge in the midst of supportive communities.
Please consider supporting our programs before June 30, as they play such an important part of our students' lives. I wish each of you a wonderful summer.
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Dr. Susie Tanchel, Hebrew College Vice President
Making a Difference: Jewish Teen Foundation
of Greater Boston
This year, the Jewish Teen Foundation of Greater Boston (JTFGB) chose to focus on the issues of disaster relief and access to food and water. They researched many nonprofit organizations with varied approaches to addressing these issues, collectively raised over $20,000, and awarded grants to four organizations: IsraAID, The National Search Dog Foundation, Forgotten Harvest and Charity: Water. Their grant ceremony took place on June 1st at Hebrew College's new campus on Washington Street, and was the first in-person grant ceremony in three years.
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Connecting Our World: Dignity Project
Staff, mentors, and teen fellows of the 2022-2023 Dignity Project Cohort have completed their transformative journey together. The 21 high school students, nominated and selected from all over the Greater Boston area, continued to show commitment and courage in engaging across their various lines of difference with thoughtfulness and skill. They learned, practiced, and embodied what it means to listen deeply and respond with curiosity, always remaining rooted in their own multiple identities and aware of their many biases. Everyone evolved together, and, in the end, each individual communicated tremendous gratitude for all that we shared. We are excited as the 2023-2024 Dignity Project is formed and starts their journey together this upcoming August!
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Talmud Learning: Teen Beit Midrash
Teen Beit Midrash finished the year with final projects that demonstrated a deep learning about justice, the death penalty, and the nature of humanity—including a spoken word poem on the loneliness of being human.
Reflecting on this year, one student who joined in the middle of the year wrote, "My highlight was coming into TBM and immediately liking the supportive community and the way that study was handled. I was initially supposed to do just a trial run, but that made me stick around...Learning Talmud has made me much more confident in my Judaism and much more comfortable in talking about it with others."
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