NDWorks Weekly
Campus news for faculty and staff
August 01, 2023
Dome Regild
The heart of Notre Dame
The history of the Main Building tells the story of the University. View historical documents and read about a great fire and the building’s rebirth.
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Dome Regild (photo essay)
Gilding Mary
Gilding is an age-old technique in which a very thin sheet of gold, or other metal leaf, is applied to a surface. Measuring a mere 3 microns in thickness, the gold leaf is finer than a single strand of hair. Read how gilders prep and gild the 17-foot statue of Our Lady atop the Golden Dome.
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NDHR announces 2023 Presidential Award winners
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Notre Dame Magazine
Halfway there: The intricate process of moving to the new art museum
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Homelessness prevention proves more effective than retroactive action
David Phillips, a research professor of economics in the Wilson Sheehan Lab for Economic Opportunities and a fellow in the Fitzgerald Institute for Real Estate, spoke with KCBS Radio’s Liz Saint John about his recent study on homelessness prevention. Listen to the interview here.
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Alumni assist with University-backed Habitat project
Wanting to preserve access to affordable housing in South Bend, Notre Dame in January partnered with Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph County to build as many as seven new homes in the city over the next five years, beginning directly south of campus in the Northeast Neighborhood.
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Word to the Wise
Enter to win prizes by playing August’s Word to the Wise from Risk Management and Safety. Click the picture above to guess this month’s five-letter word. Here’s the clue: Safety could be in the palm of your hand!
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June’s Word to the Wise winner
Erik Oswald, graduate career consultant for the professional master programs in the Meruelo Family Center for Career Development, is the June Word to the Wise Winner. The photo above features Risk Management and Safety team members TJ Whittenhall, radiation safety officer; Amanda Snyder, assistant director, laboratory safety; Anna Belote, senior director; Oswald; Randy Crist, assistant director, safety; Erin Hafner, assistant director, environmental and health; and Eric Doland, associate director, compliance assurance. Play Word to the Wise here.
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