Welcome Grow Serve Celebrate
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Summer is here and we are excited about the upcoming worship opportunities at Parkway Hills! Throughout the month of June we will use the themes from Vacation Bible School, “Operation Restoration,” to shape Sunday morning worship. Each week we will look at a story of Jesus and listen for the ways Jesus invites us to join him in mending God’s world. Beginning July 2 we invite everyone to join us for “The Great Church Chill Out” using the Psalms to help us remember that we were not created to be anxious creatures, but to rejoice, revel, and rest in God’s good creation. Our prayer is that summer may be a time of rest, renewal and fun for you, and that worship each week will provide space to rest and renew in community and in the presence of God. Don’t forget, if you are out and about this summer, you can still engage in worship online @parkwayhillsumc.online.church and you can support the mission and ministry of our church by giving online parkwayhillsumc.org/give or via our Vanco mobile app. We look forward to this summer season within the life of our church. It would be a great time to invite a friend to join us!
Here's a sneak peek at the themes for worship:
June 4: Heal/Luke 13:10-17
June 11: Forgive/Matthew 18:21-35
June 18: Pray/Luke 11:1-4
June 25: Lay Led Worship
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Bishop Sharma Lewis has invited all churches to engage in a lay-led worship service Sunday, June 25 and to allow their clergy to have a Sabbath Sunday before Annual Conference begins the following week. If you have ever wanted to be part of the worship planning process, now is your turn! Join Pastor Dawn and members of PHUMC for lunch Wednesday, June 7 @ 11:30 @ Newk's on Highland Colony to plan and pray about this day.
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All hands on deck for Parkway Hills’ Day of Service Saturday, June 10!
Join with your church family to serve by aiding our church or our community. See you Saturday morning to grab a doughnut and some coffee, fellowship a bit, and get to work! We will have water available. We have various opportunities to serve. You may sign up here or via the clipboard in the back of the worship center. If you signed the clipboard, your name will be added to the online list. Youth may attend as long as they are accompanied by a parent/guardian. Youth must be 16 or older and accompanied by a parent/guardian to work at the Habitat build.
Here are the ways you may be involved:
Habitat Faith Build: We need 10-12 volunteers. Meet at Parkway Hills at 7:15 am to carpool or at the site at 7:45 am (4663 Estelle Drive, Jackson). Our shift ends at noon. We will be working on putting up siding.
Big House Books: Meet at Parkway Hills at 8:30 am or at Big House Books at 9 am (133 Millsaps Avenue, Jackson). Shift ends at noon.
VBS Decoration Prep: Friday, meet at 9:00 am/Saturday, meet at 8:30 am.
Church Building and Grounds: 8:30 am – 1 pm.
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Adults Can VBS, Too!Grownups, come join us at PHUMC in the Worship Center.
Sign up Here, or call the church office
(601-856-2733) by Sunday,
June 11.
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PHUMC's Vacation Bible School Registration: Rising Kindergarteners - 6th grade are welcome to attend VBS June 11 - 14, 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Our theme this year is Operation Restoration, where we learn about the many ways to mend God's world. Click this link to register. VBS is a great opportunity for your kids to invite friends and neighbors to join in the fun.
Are you wanting to help with VBS? Check out our VBS Supply List on Amazon by clicking the link. This list will update routinely as we prepare for decorations, crafts, science experiments, missions, games and more. If you would like to assist with donations for VBS contact Pastor Haven.
Sunday School Volunteers: We will begin our one room Sunday School class beginning this Sunday, June 4 at 9:30 a.m. Join in the fun as we learn about the identity of God and the importance of hope in our lives. If you are interested in volunteering, click here to sign up to teach. We will need two additional volunteers to assist with Pastor Haven each Sunday in the Garden. All volunteers must have a background check before volunteering in children's ministry.
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Ways to Support Our Youth!
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New youth shirts are on sale now! $16/shirt. Deadline for orders is June 14. Click here to get yours!
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Parkway Hills, you can help get us to Florida! Sponsor our trip for $5/mile. Click here to make a donation, or use the Vanco app.
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| -Youth Kickback this Sunday, 5:30-7:30 pm. Join us for a chance to catch up after the end of the school year, play games, and hear a student-led devotional message. Brown bag dinner.
-Panama City trip participants, make sure to complete any outstanding balances by June 14. Please contact Geoff with any questions or arrangements that need to be made
-Is your next faithful step serving our youth? We're looking for a junior high Sunday School teacher for the 2023-2024 school year! If you're interested or want to learn more about this opportunity, contact Geoff.
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| Meeting This Week:
Tonight, Wednesday:
Beds for KIds will not work in the basement tonight.
Thursday: Men's Morning Group at 7:30 am. Join them in the Garden Room or via Zoom **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635 New Password: 14229
Handbell practice 9:00 am
Parkway Hills Women
meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am. Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting ID number) Password: PHUMCLADY Women of ALL ages are always welcome!
Sunday School 9:30 am
Renew Sunday School Class will not meet June and July.
Worship 10:45 am online and in person
Choir Practice 5:30. ENGAGE 5:30.
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Capital Area Habitat for Humanity's 2023 Faith Build is currently underway. The home, located at 4663 Estelle Drive in Jackson, will house Latonia Blackmon and her 5 children (ages 16, 14, 12, 10, and 8), allowing her to move from a 3 bedroom apartment where she pays $1,200 a month in rent to a 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath home for $500-600 a month. All of this is possible because of monetary and building efforts of area churches. Our May Communion Offering will go toward the Habitat Faith Build. Thank you to all who have already given. We are still in need of volunteers for our work day, June 10.
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Year to Date, April 2023
Income: $175,692.46
Expenses: $167,539.84
May Communion Offering to date: $2,286
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