CTE Weekly - September 17, 2019
CTE Weekly - September 17, 2019
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CTE Weekly

September 17, 2019
Hi Friend of the CTE,
In this edition of the Weekly, you will find information about our upcoming seminars, a book club, a new Journal issue, and opportunities from our partners.

CTE Seminars and Workshops

world with all flags

Maximizing Teaching Effectiveness:
Lessons From an International Faculty Learning Community

Tuesday, September 24, 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
In this seminar, 4 FLC members representing 4 disciplines will discuss what they learned in the FLC, what strategies and pedagogies enhanced teaching effectiveness, and how their classrooms were reshaped.
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Study Abroad sign in the clouds

Designing and Refining a High-Impact Study Abroad Program

Thursday, September 26, 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
This workshop will explore how to design inclusive, affordable study abroad programs that facilitate students’ critical self-reflection.
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Book cover: Cheating Lessons with additional text: We Buy the Book! You Bring the Discussion!

Academic Integrity Book Club: Cheating Lessons: Learning From Academic Dishonesty 

Part 1: October 24, 9-10 a.m.
Part 2: October 31, 9-10 a.m.
Part 3: November 7, 9-10 a.m.
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Other News and Information

New Journal Issue Focuses on Positive and Negative Influences on Student Learning

From personal technology use policies to undergraduate teaching assistants and researchers, the new issue of the Journal on Excellence in College Teaching (Volume 30, number 3, 2019) supports teachers in creating optimal
conditions for their students’ learning.

Read the new issue

Making Assignments "Real" to Students

Students sometimes question the relevance of class assignments to the "real world." It's important for instructors to help students see everything they do in their classes as preparation for the professional world they will soon enter.
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Opportunities from Our Partners

Special Apple Accessibility Event Scheduled for September 20
This Friday, September 20, Tim David of Apple will present Accessibility With Apple: Technology Is Most Powerful When It Empowers Everyone. This presentation will take place from 10:00 am to noon in the Shriver Center, LDOL. 
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Reception to Support
New Women Faculty & Staff 

Please join an informal reception welcoming new colleagues.

Thursday, October 3, 2019
RSVP to Monica Schneider mschneider@miamioh.edu by 9/23/19
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