Hello TIA supporter,
Truth in Accounting and it's sister website Data-Z are goldmines.
Goldmines of government financial information and of hard-working American taxpayers who monitor the finances of their state and local governments. We want to start telling their stories.
Concerned citizens contact TIA regularly, asking questions, seeking advice, and wanting to correct the financial chaos affecting their communities and pocketbooks. And we are grateful for their help in taking our accurate accounting message to their playing fields.
Like Joy in Nevada, a retired CPA who is keeping an eye on her village district and how they are capitalizing expenses. And Sue in South Bend fighting for transparency in city financials. Their stories have inspired us to serve people with a government accounting resource guide.
Do you have a question about government accounting? Let us know, just reply this this email.
I want to leave you with the first article in a series by Jim Naughton, an Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Virginia. We are big fans of Mr. Naughton and his perspective on government accounting. In this article, he addresses the root of the problem—the rules!
"Municipal and state governments provide input to the organization that creates their accounting standards. Such input by stakeholders can be helpful, but their influence has produced some accounting rules that diverge from both economic reality and private sector rules. These deviations allow governments to understate budget liabilities, including pensions plans, and put at risk the financial health of states and cities across the United States."
Yep, the answer is in the rules. Now it's up to us to fix this! With your support Truth in Accounting is up for the challenge!
Have a great weekend,
Sheila A. Weinberg
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