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How can we reclaim wisdom that was displaced in our wider culture–
How can we reclaim wisdom that was displaced in our wider culture–
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Join us for Sunday Worship

Sunday, October 9, 2022 
Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.
Learning Community Classes 10:30 a.m.
Childcare is available during our worship service for children three and under (located in the nursery). 
Livestream Our Service Here

Queering Colonialism

Eli Poore, Intern Minister
“Queering” is a term that originates from queer theory in the 1980’s and 1990’s and refers to a process of challenging heteronormativity and gender binaries by viewing a text, concept, or idea through a “queer”, or 2SLGBTIA+ lens.
Colonialism brought with it certain ideas about gender, gender roles, sexuality, and other notions that it sought to impose on indigenous communities that shaped, and continue to shape, the way that gender and sexuality are perceived today. How can we- as the complex mix of both colonizers and indigenous people- reclaim the wisdom that was displaced in our wider culture and use it to inform how we think about gender and sexuality?

This Sunday's Order of Service

Staying Connected Blog

To Whom Do I Belong?
Rev. Alison Miller , Senior Minister
Our spiritual theme of the 2022-2023 congregational year is “Rooted in Relationship.” It is an opportunity to explore formational questions, like: Who am I? and To whom do I belong?
As a human being, the question of identity, “Who am I?” or “Who are we?” is revealed through relationships. While there is value to looking at how I relate to myself, our goal is to become grounded and not self-centered...continue.

NEW - COVID Masking Protocol 

With continued guidance from our Public Health Team, the church is updating its COVID safety protocols:
Masks are welcome and strongly recommended, especially in more crowded indoor spaces. We also recommend that everyone who is eligible be vaccinated and boosted. (Some groups and classes that meet in our congregation may choose to continue to require masks.) And a reminder that with the coming flu season masks are a good way to prevent the flu. Please be mindful to accommodate the needs of our members, friends, or staff who may have a disability, such as someone who is immunocompromised.

Happening This Sunday

Timestamps are Pacific Time (PT) unless stated otherwise.
Check out our Events Calendar for First U PDX gatherings.
Gmail Users: You may have to scroll down to the bottom of this message and click on "View Entire Message" to see the complete Front Steps.
Our Annual Pumpkin Sale is Back!
Selling Sunday, October 9 & 16 / Before & After the Service
From Cassandra Scheffman, Director of Family Ministries & Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG)
Help wash the pumpkins: We would like to invite you and your family to Al’s in Wilsonville at 10 a.m. on Saturday, October 8 where we will gather pumpkins and wash them to sell for the next two Sundays. A small snack will be provided.
Help sell the pumpkins: If you cannot join us on Saturday, we would love your help on Sunday.
The proceeds will go to the Immigrant Justice Action Group along with YRUU group.
Questions? Want to volunteer? Please contact Evie.
Welcome to First Unitarian with Rev. Thomas Disrud
Sunday October 9, from 12:30 - 1:45 p.m.
In-person and on Zoom
Location: Channing Room (near Eliot Chapel)
Are you new to First Unitarian Portland? We are so glad you are here. You may choose to attend either in-person or virtually on Zoom.
This class will offer an orientation to the church, to Unitarian Universalism and what it means to be a member. This will be a chance to meet other newcomers and to have your questions about the church answered
NEW! - A Virtual Blessing of the Animals Service
Sunday, October 9, at 1 p.m. on Zoom
From UU Animal Ministry (UUAM)
Did you miss the wonderful Animal Blessing with Rev. Alison and Rev. Tom at Columbia park last week? You're in luck! The Unitarian Universalist Animal Ministry announces a virtual blessing with guest speaker Zoe Weil.
NEW! - Voices From the Holy Land: Online Film Salon
Watch the film at your convenience. Then join the discussion. 
Discussion: Sunday, October 9, at 1 p.m. on Zoom
Check out the flyer.
The film Boycott traces the impact of legislation in the US designed to penalize those who choose to boycott Israel. The implications are far-reaching. Legislation aimed at boycotts for climate justice or gun control has been based on legislation aimed at boycotts directed at Israeli oppression. 
See the film for free and then join the filmmaker, Jen Marlowe, and Peter Beinart in discussing the film. Once you register, you will get a confirmation email from Zoom with a link to the meeting and a link to watch the film for free.  
Questions? Email Curt.

Featured News

Day of Mindfulness: Practicing Presence, Kindling Connection
THIS SATURDAY! - October 8, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m
In-person and Zoom event. Advance registration is required.
As the fall season approaches, taking a contemplative day can help us feel grounded. In a supportive group, through guided meditation, deep relaxation, shared discussion, and silence, we will practice the presence needed for deepening and developing connections.
Katie Radditz teaches meditation, and is a First Unitarian Portland Spiritual Director. John Wadsworth is a Zen teacher in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing.
NEW! - Join us to UU the Vote
Letter-Writing and Phone-Banking to Get Out the Vote for the Midterm Election
In partnership with the Carolina Jews for Justice, NC UU Justice Ministry and the New North Carolina Project
Director of Music DeReau Farrar promised to DYE HIS HAIR BLUE if we could get twenty people to phone bank with our North Carolina UU the Vote partners last week. We reached that goal, and DeReau made good on his promise! Thank you, DeReau! Let's keep up the momentum by joining in the phone-banking and letter-writing efforts with the UU North Carolina Justice Ministry.
Please join our phone bank from 3:30-5:30 p.m. on Thursdays -- every Thursday through November 3rd. You just need a computer. We gather on Zoom, meet our partners across the country, get trained for making the calls, and have support there for any questions that arise. To add to the fun, every phone bank is hosted by a UU or Jewish congregation who have created their own participation challenge! Register here.
First Unitarian has also set a goal of writing 10,000 voter engagement letters by the "Big Send" at the end of October when we'll take all of our letters to the post office. We are two thirds of the way there and need your help. Please join us to write letters to historically underrepresented voters in North Carolina. If you can, please bring twenty #10 envelopes and 20 Forever stamps. If you don't have those, we've got you covered:
  • Sundays from 9:30-10:15 a.m. or after service down in Fuller Hall.
  • Mondays, October 17 and 24 from 2-4 p.m. in Buchan Reception Hall.
  • Sunday, October 23, join our UU the Vote Final Letter Writing Push and Party in the Buchan Reception Hall.
For more inspiration, watch this recording of our UU the Vote Fall Kickoff when our UU siblings and the founder and CEO of the New North Carolina Project shared what's at stake in NC and why our partnership matters so much. 
Questions? Contact Dana.
NEW! - The Alliance Virtual Greens Sale Begins!
Next Sunday, October 16
Mark your calendars! Place online orders for beautiful holiday wreaths and garlands for yourself or to send as gifts.  Proceeds for this anticipated annual sale support charitable agencies that care for women and children and marginalized communities. Watch next week’s Front Steps e-News for a link to the online store, which will be open from October 16 through November 13.
VOLUNTEER NEEDED! - Join our Front Desk Team!
John Rosette, Executive Team Assistant / Receptionist
A volunteer floater is needed in the church's front office to occasionally fill in for volunteers who need to take a day off here and there. Shifts could pop up on any weekday, and are typically between the hours of 10 a.m.-1 p.m., or 1-4 p.m. The volunteer floater may be called upon for 4-5 shifts a month. As you can see: flexibility is the key!
Most important duties are answering the phones and greeting visitors to our office. Other basic office duties and computer skills are optional. It’s a great way to get to know our ministers and staff a little better. 
Interested? Questions? Email John or call our office (503) 228-6389.
NEW! - Join the Newly Formed "Care Choir"
Rehearsal on Tuesday, October 18, at 7 p.m.
Location: The Channing Room (next to Eliot Chapel)
John Boelling, Associate Director of Music, Women's Choir
The mission of this choir is to sing familiar hymns, chants, and songs as a way to provide comfort and community to those in our church community who are sick, homebound, or nearing the end of life.
You do not have to be a trained singer or in one of our choirs to participate. Rehearsals are minimal, and small groups are formed to fit with people’s schedules as singing opportunities arise. If the spirit moves you to be a part of this type of music ministry, consider being part of this caring choir!
Interested? Questions? Please contact John.

Upcoming Events, Workshops & Classes 

DONATE! - Refugee Care Collective: Winter Coat Drive
New or Gently Used for Children, Youth and Adults Needed
Collecting Sunday, October 16
Location: Buchan Reception Hall at the IJAG Table
The Immigrant Justice Action Group invites the congregation in supporting the Refugee Care Collective's winter coat drive. This effort assists refugees who have recently arrived in Portland to keep them warm this winter.
Questions? Email Margot.
NEW! - Contemplative Practice is Back!
Meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month from 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Location: Channing Room (next to Eliot Chapel)
This is a welcoming group, open to all. The format includes a twenty-minute meditation sit, a check-in on a spiritual topic, a lectio divina (reading of a spiritual text, usually a poem), and a discussion. We practice deep listening from the ear of the heart and are respectful of all spiritual views.
Our intent is to offer a regular opportunity for silent meditation, meditation on texts, and deep discussion and sharing. 
Questions? Email Connie.
Loving Kindness Meditation
Mondays at 8 p.m.
Join us for a moment each week to extend Loving-Kindness to yourself, to those around you and to the world. Surround yourself in the blessings from those who have loved you and those who love you now. No previous meditation practice necessary. 
Friday Vesper Prayer Services 
Every Friday at 5 p.m.
Gather for a quiet time of prayer, reflection, meditation and music.
An ongoing commitment is not required.
VOLUNTEER! - Food Pantry Help Needed
From Committee on Hunger & Homelessness (COHHO)
COHHO continues to support Clay Street Table in their work of feeding the hungry. They offer a food pantry the second, third, and fourth Thursdays of each month. Volunteers are now needed to set up tables and unload delivery trucks.
Interested? Questions? Please email COHHO.
Art for Social Justice
The Speaking of Justice Editorial Team offers weekly art to deepen our connection to the work for social justice and building the Beloved Community.
Curated by Ethel Gullette, Speaking of Justice Editorial Team
Circle Round for Freedom by Linda Hirschorn 
This piece was performed by Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Music Director, UU Ann Arbor and Allison Halerz. The video accompanying this performance was remade in February, 2021, by UU Roanoke, VA, after the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol building.

Leadership News

Letter from the Board

From Theo Harper, First Vice Moderator
In years past, we sent out a monthly letter from the Board Moderator. This year we are expanding the letter to be a Board letter and it will include thoughts from others on the Board. The Board Communications Committee is taking the lead in putting the letters together. This month’s letter comes from Theo Harper, Chair of the Communications Committee...continue.

In the Community

Community Milestones, Joys, & Sorrows
Please email us here if you have any joys or concerns to share. 
Member Laura Rogers will begin a clinical trial for a relapse of lymphoma this week at OHSU. Laura and her team are feeling positive about the T-Cell treatment. She is grateful for our healing prayers through her procedure and recovery.
Are You Going Through a Tough Time?
Would it help to talk with someone?
Our church’s Lay Ministry team provides caring listening for individuals experiencing grief, illness, isolation, depression, loss of a job or relationship, or other life challenges. Meetings may be one time or over time, depending on the need—and are always confidential.
Questions? Check out the Lay Ministry webpage or call the office at (503) 228-6389.
NEW! - The Book Store Now Carries Wellspring Titles
From The Book Store
Titles for the Wellspring groups are available at your bookstore, including Sustainable Soul by Rebecca James Hecking. Also just in: the new UUA Common Read – Mistakes and Miracles by Nancy Palmer Jones. Come peruse the bookstore to find these and lots of other great titles.
Our bookstore will be open in Fuller Hall most Sundays; we will be closed in Fuller Hall on the Sundays that social hour is scheduled in Buchan Reception, but will have a selection of books in Buchan on those Sundays.
Questions? Contact Donna.

October Art Wall: Mila Raphael
From The Art Wall Committee
Be sure to visit Fuller Hall after the service to view our new art exhibit featuring the work of Mila Raphael.
Mila has been traveling to Oaxaca, Mexico, for years and has been inspired by the indigenous women from the surrounding villages. As she shared her paintings with them, it became a path toward connection to their rich culture.

Say it with flowers!

Much gratitude goes to Jill Duren, the sponsor of this Sunday's beautiful chancel bouquet.
Do you have a birth in the family, a graduation, an anniversary, a memorial, or other events to share? You can acknowledge it to the entire congregation by sponsoring a floral bouquet. As we connect with friends, say it with flowers on the Chancel.
Questions? Contact Marsha.

Having trouble viewing our services through the website?
Find our Livestreams on Boxcast, YouTube or on Facebook.

Have a Submission for E-News?

If you have a church-related submission you would like published in our weekly Front Steps (E-News), please submit it here with subject line “For E-News.”

Submission deadline is noon on Tuesdays.

Sunday Livestream
Sanctuary Service –10:30 a.m.
In-Person & Livestream

Virtual Social Hour –11:45 a.m.
Prayer Vesper –5p.m. 
Fridays // Virtual Only

October 9 Shared Plate
In the wake of the staggering destruction of Hurricane Ian, we know that many people in Florida will continue to struggle to recover for a long time. Several UU congregations have suffered significant damage, and congregants in many communities are experiencing substantial damage to, if not total loss of, homes and incomes. 
The UUA Disaster Relief Fund disburses grants to UU congregations and recognized UU non-profit entities. The Fund, which is running low, has already received multiple requests for support in Florida. Your contribution is a concrete, material way that Unitarian Universalists show up for and support our fellow UUs and their communities as they recover from growing climate disasters such as Hurricane Ian.
Sharing Our Bounty
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Want to know what this church has to offer? Show up for events/classes/socials and  stay engaged!
Trying to find connection with those in the congregation with similar interests?
Contact one of the many groups run by members of the church and connect.
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Moved recently? Changed your phone number or e-mail? Fill out this form.
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