Weekly Schedule
9:30am: Sunday School
10:45am: Church-wide worship (this service is recorded/broadcast)
July 17, 5:30-7:30: Sunday Kickback @PHUMC. Light dinner, games, and a student-led devotion for a calmer night in the middle of our students' busy summers.
July 21, noon: Deadline to RSVP for Geyser Falls. Tickets are $40; please RSVP by this date so we can buy tickets to skip the line and make sure we have enough transportation.
June 23: Geyser Falls. Bring money for lunch and any other spending money.
June 27: Summer Engage Wednesday (S.E.W.). Final details TBA.
June 31, 5:30-7:30: "Can't Wait Till Christmas" Back to School Party @PHUMC. Bring a snack to share, dust off that tacky Christmas outfit, and help us pretend it isn't in the triple digits outside!