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The Walk to End Alzheimer's was Everywhere..including at Lutheran Care Center!

What drew families, residents and staff to gather in front of LCC on a crisp, partly sunny Saturday morning in October? They were motivated because they know the devastating impact Alzheimer’s can have on individuals and their families.  Many, dressed in purple shirts, shared their stories and a hope for a cure.
Patricia Ludington, Lutheran Care Center Administrator, welcomed our walkers and shared that today an estimated 6.2 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s. More than 1 in 9 people (11.3%) age 65 and older has Alzheimer's disease. Almost two-thirds of those are women. It is the most common form of dementia, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior and impacting the lives of all around them.
Formed in 1980, the Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. 
LCC staff helped participants loosen up by leading warm up exercises. Singer Nancy Paroli livened things up with her beautiful voice and upbeat songs.  She enjoys singing the standards and… “whatever the residents like. They give me the thumbs up or thumbs down when I chose a song.” Nancy has been performing at LCC for over 15 years and clearly loves the residents. The crowd joined in for the Star Spangled Banner…right before the starting gun propelled walkers down the driveway. 
Carolyn Warming Up with Residents Cathy Ryder and Daughter Warming Up
Sisters with Mother Singing Star Spangled Banner Nancy P Singing

A family affair...

Residents, in the company of their children, grandchildren, great grands, or friends walked on their own or where pushed in wheelchairs around the building – some once, some three times - to the finish line. Balloons and signs of encouragement lined the way. 
One young woman came on her own representing her family who couldn't attend.   She patiently and lovingly pushed her grandmother's wheelchair, waking her up occasionally to point out things along the way and to enjoy the fresh air. 
Elizabeth Kima (photo below left), who shares her grandmother’s name, came with her family. Three generations walked together. Elizabeth reflected on the pervasiveness of the disease sharing that her other nanny also suffers from dementia.
Kima Family Woman in Blue Tee with Family
Man in Hat with Daughter woman in lavendar top with family

Remembering loved ones...

Cyndee and Mark Snyder were here to honor her mother, Frances, lovingly referred to as “Chick” who passed away in March 2021.  “She was a force in our family. SHE is why everyone came today. She valued family and is missed every day.  Her Alzheimer’s progressed rapidly which was hard to watch. Her passing at home, surrounded by our entire family, was a blessing.”  Many of extended Snyder family joined them to honor Frances (photo below).
Snyder Family

Dena Cohen (below) lost several family members to Alzheimer’s. Their names were included on the back of her shirt. “I’m here because I’m looking forward to a cure…hopefully in the not-to-distant future!” Dena walked with her mom.
Dean Cohen - Shirt with Names Dena Cohen and Her Mom

Flowers, provided by the Alzhiemier’s Association, were given to participants to write the name of a loved one experiencing Alzheimer’s, or someone who passed from Alzheimer’s.   Patricia D’Angelo,  Medical Records Coordinator at LCC, (photo below) writes the name of a friend who died of early onset Alzheimer’s and ‘planted” the flower in her memory.  Patty’s mother, who resided at LCC, passed this past year at the age of 98.
Patricia signing a flower

Supporting one another...

Judy and her service dog, Shelby (named after the Ford Mustang), were able to participate because close friends Karen and Joanne brought her to the Walk.  The three women met at Tabernacle Baptist, Poughkeepsie, and consider themselves Sisters-in-the-Lord. Karen and Joanne assist Judy as she manages life with Alzheimer’s (photo below).
Judy and Shelby, Her Service Dog

Supporting the Alzheimer's Association

Why is this Walk important to Lutheran Care Center?  As professionals  committed to caring for residents with memory and dementia challenges, we applaud the work of this organization and rely on the research and resources they provide. Participant’s raised over $700 for the Dutchess Ulster Alzheimer’s Association. 

We are Thankful for You!

We are grateful for all who have given in small and large ways to enhance the lives of those who call Lutheran home.
Everyone has something to give and every act of generosity counts.
Giving Tuesday is Tuesday, November 30th.
Be part of this global generosity movement and celebrate all acts of kindness.

Many value #GivingTuesday and see it as a way to ‘counterbalance’ the consumerism of the holiday season. The idea of the day, after the Black Friday sales, is to step away from buying and focus on giving. And what says holidays more than giving back? 
We invite you to participate in the global #Giving Tuesday Movement.
Your gift to Lutheran Care Center will directly benefit our residents.  Your contribution, in any amount, will be used to enhance creative programming -   art therapy, music therapy, interactive activities, live entertainment – all critical to the well-being of our residents. Help us to engage, nourish and stimulate minds, hearts and hands in even bigger and better ways.

Warm a resident’s heart. Broaden the smile on his or her face…and yours! Kindly click here to donate.
Let’s Do More!
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