Over the next year, the Board will work with Management, and create plans to meet these goals. We believe the goals are key to making RVR a place people love to live, and to enhancing our property values. We’ll talk more about this at the Annual Meeting.
The other major initiative is being led by the Long-Range Planning Committee. We’ve discussed their work in previous “Views From the Board.” Many of you have participated in surveys that are taking the temperature of the community regarding possible upgrades to our facilities and amenities. As you know, RVR is approaching buildout. We are about 85 percent complete. The Ranch House is a quarter century old, and could use an update and refresh – in the same way you’d consider remodeling your 25-year-old kitchen.
At the Long-Range Planning Committee’s recommendation, the Board earlier this year authorized retaining the McMahon Group. McMahon is a nationally recognized consulting firm that has helped hundreds of HOAs and clubs all over the country modernize their facilities. Frank Vain, President of the McMahon Group, will be at the Annual Meeting. He will provide an overview of the process that will eventually result in a proposal to the community. I’ve seen some of McMahon’s initial ideas, and am excited about the possibilities for RVR.
Finally, we will share results of the recent survey that’s telling us about your hopes and dreams for the Ranch House and its associated activities, like the pool and tennis. About 298 of you took the time to respond. You’ve provided very helpful input and insight that will help us put the most appropriate proposal in front of the community later this year. If you haven’t filled out the survey yet, there’s still time. The deadline is July 20. CLICK HERE to take the survey.
Accomplishments and Challenges: At the Annual Meeting, we’ll review what we consider our most significant accomplishments over the past 12 months, and the biggest challenges ahead over the next year.
One of the accomplishments I’m most proud of is the smooth transition to a new Leadership Team, led by our General Manager Ashley Lynch. Bringing Ashley to RVR, and watching him build his team, is the single most gratifying achievement of my time on the Board.
We have challenges on the horizon as well. Perhaps the biggest is adequately funding our priorities. The eventual proposal brought forward by the Long-Range Planning Committee and the McMahon Group will be the most compelling thing to happen at RVR in decades. It will add tremendous value to our homes, but it will come with a cost.
Another challenge we face is the RVR golf course. A year ago, the group that owns the golf course was trying to amend the Town of Carbondale’s process for zoning changes. This was part of the owners’ efforts to build a boutique hotel where the driving range is today. After RVR homeowners spoke loudly and clearly against the proposal, the ownership group withdrew its efforts to amend the development code. Then this spring, the owners threatened to sue the Town of Carbondale over the issue. Here’s what you need to know: regardless of what you think is best for RVR, the ownership group is still pursuing its vision for a boutique hotel instead of a driving range. We’ll update you on this continuing saga at the Annual Meeting.
Closing Thoughts: This is my 43rd and final “View From the Board.” After nearly four years serving the RVR community, I’m stepping down following the July 27 monthly meeting. Whether ghostwriting for other RVR leaders, or writing under my own name, it’s been an honor to communicate with you.
I believe the “Views From the Board” are meaningful tools in helping the 553 RVR property owners see that the Board is a responsible steward of their monthly assessments. And, these communications help show we are taking the necessary steps to protect the value of your home.
If you care about the issues raised in this note, and want to better understand how the RVR Master Association is focused on making our community “a place people love to live,” I encourage you put the Annual Meeting on your calendar.
The next monthly RVRMA Board meeting is set for Wednesday, July 27, at 5:30 pm. It will be held in the Ranch House upstairs Board Room, and virtually by Zoom.
Immediately following the monthly Board meeting, we will meet across the street at the Old Thompson Barn for the Annual Meeting. It begins at 6:30 pm. To register for the annual meeting, CLICK HERE.”Hope to see you there.
On behalf of your volunteer RVRMA Board,
Gary Lesser
Board President