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Keeping you engaged and informed
Ward 11 Weekly Update header
Week of March 27, 2016 

Grants for Student Needs (GSNs)
On March 24, the Ministry of Education released its technical briefing on the 2016-17 Grants For Student Needs (GSN). Based on an initial analysis of the changes to next year’s GSNs, staff are pleased to report that the grant projections showing in the proposed budget plan for 2016-17 are fairly aligned to the grants announced today. A more detailed analysis will be done once the Ministry releases the electronic financial information system (EFIS) in two weeks, and staff will then update Trustees of the actual impact to the Board’s bottom line.
Based on our preliminary analysis of today’s announcement, it appears that the Ministry has fully funded the recently-negotiated labour settlements and has also provided an inflationary for utilities and transportation costs. We are also pleased to see that regulation 444/98 will be amended to recognize all property sales between boards must be at fair market value.
The TDSB participated in this year’s GSN consultation process by providing Feedback on Grants for Student Needs (GSN) 2016-2017 and the pre-budget consultations in January 2016. Both submissions were also made publically available on the TDSB website.
Please note that the Board meeting on March 30, 2016 has been cancelled. Trustees will now vote on the 2016-17 Proposed Budget Plan at the Board meeting scheduled for April 20, 2016. At the Board meeting on April 20, Trustees will be presented with an updated 2016-17 Proposed Budget Plan that incorporates the TDSB’s specific funding amounts for 2016-17.
Anyone interested in education funding can visit 2016-17 Education Funding: A Guide to the Grants for Student Needs.
FYI, the Ontario Public School Boards Association (OPSBA) issued the following statement - "We recognize that financial constraints are the result of the Ontario government addressing the provincial deficit," said OPSBA President Michael Barrett. "Within these constraints, today's funding reinforces a strong school environment and the growth of student success. While this is true, many of our member boards have already been absorbing reductions in other budget areas such as special education and this has had an impact on their flexibility."
OPSBA is supportive of the government's priority to create community hubs. The concept of sharing school space presents exciting possibilities, but involves considerations that go beyond whether space is being used efficiently. The need for coordination and incentive among various entities - provincial ministries, local municipalities, other school boards, and social service agencies - is but one of many challenges.
The inclusion of supplemental funding for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education is a welcome addition to the GSN, as is the commitment to move ahead on changes to the regulation regarding disposition of surplus school board real estate (Regulation 444/98).  

HOLD THE DATES for Future Ward Forums
If you have any suggestions for topics you would like explored at Ward Forums, please send me an e-mail.Thanks!

Key Items from Board Meeting of March 22
  • By-election in Ward 14 (Toronto Centre-Rosedale)
    The Board decided to hold a by-election to fill the position left vacant by the death of Trustee Sheila Ward. The Deputy City clerk advised the board the tentative date for the by-election would be June 20. The City of Toronto has estimated the cost of holding of an election in Ward 14 between $350,000 and $400,000 plus HST. Until the by-election, Trustees Malik, Stiles, Story and I will be supporting. Nominations are now open - click here.
  • Authorization of Absence of Member from Regular Board Meetings: Trustee Howard Kaplan, Ward 5 (York Centre)
    Due to a medical issue, the Board approved the absence of Trustee Howard Kaplan through November 30. Trustees Arp and T. Ford will be supporting his ward.
  • April proclaimed Sikh Heritage Month
    “Whereas, by proclaiming the month of April as Sikh Heritage Month, the Toronto District School Board recognizes the important contributions that Sikh Canadians have made to Ontario’s social, economic, political and cultural fabric; and whereas, Sikh Heritage Month is an opportunity to remember, celebrate and educate our students and parents about Sikh Canadians and the important role that they have played and continue to play in communities across Toronto and Canada”. 
  • Two Other Motions of Interest
    There were two other motions moved at the meeting in relation to Heritage Months – the first was asking the Director for a Report on the number of heritage months that are celebrated in the TDSB; the financial resources allocated for heritage months; and the staff time allocation for planning and executing the celebrations. The second was a request to develop a Policy on Days of Significance. Both issues were raised by the Equity Policy Advisory Committee.
  • School Year Calendaar 2016-17 Approved

    The Board decided that the school year calendar for 2016-17 for elementary, secondary and year round alternative schools be approved. 

Worth Repeating...
Applications for Parents Reaching Out Grants 2016-17 Now Open - Grant applications for the 2016-17 school year are now open and will be accepted until May 29, 2016. In the 2015-16 school year, the province funded more than 2,200 projects that helped identify barriers to parent engagement and found local solutions to help more parents be engaged in their children's learning. For more information, click on     
Clean Toronto Together - Come on WR8! Let's Register for April 22!  In 2015, the TDSB had 383 of our school sites participate in the Clean Toronto Together Campaign. This year, we want to increase the number of participating schools. On Friday, April 22nd at 2 pm (Earth Day), students from across Toronto are encouraged to help rejuvenate our city’s green spaces by picking up litter in their schoolyard or neighbourhood park. To register, please fill out the School Clean-Up Day form by April 5th. All participating schools will receive a school certificate.   
NOTE - Change of Date - Presentation by Jennifer Kolari, Wednesday, May 25, 7-8pm at Oakwood CI, 991 St Clair  Av - Oakwood Collegiate invites all parents to attend a Parent Presentation by Jennifer Kolari. This presentation will show parents the importance of communication in the parent-teen relationship and is for parents and teens. Her Website is: Light refreshments will be provided. Chilcare available if requested at
2015-2016 is Hodgson’s 100th Anniversary year! Hold May 13-14, 2016 - Hodgson's 100th anniversary celebration is scheduled for Friday, May 13, 2016 and Saturday, May 14, 2016. There will be more information coming about this event, but we wanted to make sure that you marked the dates on your calendar. #Hodgson100th (100th Anniversary Committee Chair). 
TDSB Parent Conference 2016: Parents as Partners - April 16, 2016 The Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC), Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), Mental Health and Well-Being Parent Partnership Committee and Model Schools for Inner Cities’ Parent Academies are partnering to bring one INCLUSIVE conference on Saturday, April 16, 2016. Please click
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