OKC Rotary NewsDecember 19, 2023 | Volume 112 | No. 24 In-Person and Livestreamed from Christian Life Center - St. Luke's Methodist Church | 11:55
Link to the Livestream 11:55am
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| Caroling from the Rotary Club 29 Chorale
Chair of the Day: Rob Ward
Attendance Scanner/Greeters: Susan Adams, Daniel Adams
Registration: Ann Ackerman, Julia Kirt
Introduction of Guests: Chip Oppenheim
Introduction of New Rotarians: Blair Naifeh
Invocation/Pledge Leader: Ross Plourde Menu: House salad; Chickpea Salad; Crab Cakes; Mashed Potatoes; Asparagus; Roll; Beef Tenderloin
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club 29 breakfastDec. 21, 2023 | 7:00am
Quail Creek Country Club | Wingspan Room
Chairs: Susan McVey, Bud Oehlert
Speaker: Jennifer Palmer - Education Reporter at Oklahoma Watch - "Power of High Expectations"
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Redemption by Charlie Smith
In The Kite Runner, a 2003 novel by Afghan-American author Kaled Hosseini, there is a phrase that stirs the heart and drives the plot – “There is a way to be good again.” The central character, Amir, betrays his boyhood friend, Hassan, in a way that leads to tragedy and suffering. The knowledge of his transgression plagues him. As an adult, he receives a note from a family friend who knew something of what had happened. The note contains the simple words: “There is a way to be good again.” This leads him on a journey on behalf of Hassan who, with his wife, was murdered years before. At great risk to his own life, Amir locates and rescues Hassan’s son.
“There is a way to be good again.” The phrase taps into that deep yearning we all have to be better than we are. It reveals the deep doubt we harbor that there is no real hope of becoming other than what and who we have become. For Christians, Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, is uniquely suited to being caught up in the possibility that there is something to the claim of redemption. In a Feasting on the Word reflection, minister David J. Wood says Christmas rekindles the hope there is a way to be freed from the entanglements of our failings and fallings. It is not that they do not matter – it is that they do not have to determine or predict the flow of our lives.
Earlier this month, I quoted from Ebenezer Scrooge, from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. That classic tale, too, teaches the power of love, expressed in giving, to change and redeem and save human life. To make a difference in individual lives and in society. To know what it means to be fully and truly alive. To love and to know you are loved. READ MORE
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New Rotarians
Blair Naifeh will introduce new rotarians Mike Partlow, Emily Rosenthal, Alexander Gray, and Maressa Treat.
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In the News
If you have good news - honors, awards, new achievements - to share with the club please let us know!
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| Address Changes Needed Now!!!!!
If you have any unreported business or home contact information changes or if you would like a new photo for your listing in the Rotary Membership Directory, please make those changes here
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Upcoming Events
January 9, 2024 - Rotary Winter Party RSVP Required January 27, 2024 - Pickleball Tournament April 24-28, 2024 - Multi District Conference - Choctaw Resort & Casino 4216 US-69, Durant, OK 74701
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| Rotary Club 29 Online Directory DacDb has a new App in the App/Play Store!!
Rotary Club 29 has an online membership directory which contains current content information for all club members. The link to access the Club 29 directory can be found at the top of the home page of okcrotary.club or by clicking here. OKC Rotary has provided this tool as a convenience to help members stay in touch with one another. The online directory, just like the printed roster, should only be used for Rotary purposes. If you need help in accessing the directory, please email the office.
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Dec. 26, 2023 - No Meeting and No Makeup required Jan. 2, 2024 - No Meeting and No Makeup required Jan. 9, 2024 - No meeting at St. Lukes - no makeup required. Attend the Rotary Winter Party - RSVP Required. Jan. 16, 2024 - Human Trafficking – Whitney Anderson, The Dragonfly Home
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Dec. 12 , 2023 - Online, In-Person, Makeups: 208 Total Present and Makeup - 37 %
Membership Dec. 12 , 2023 - 598 Makeups
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| Happy Birthday to those Rotarians born in December!
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Celebrating Years of Service in Club 29
These Rotarians have been members of Club 29 from 61 years to 1 year.
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