Spring stirrings. How would you like to connect with the Center's work?
Spring stirrings. How would you like to connect with the Center's work?
As the snow melts and the earth begins to stir, one can discover a multitude of opportunities this spring to connect with the meditative work of the Center. Upcoming organized events are described below. It is also possible to arrange a stay as a guest or volunteer. See the website Visit page for information.
If you have questions concerning the Center's meditative work during a stay, one or more of the Center's teachers are usually in residence, taking part in group meetings and also available for private meetings. Information about the teachers can be found on the website Teachers page

March 25 Online All-Day Sitting with Les Schaffer

Coming right up, there's an online All-Day Sitting with Les Schaffer. He'll give the morning talk and be available to engage with your questions in the afternoon group dialogue. Les' interest in deep listening, in oneself and in connection with another, invites the opportunity to take a deep dive and see what's "cooking" underneath.

The day begins at 8:30 am (Eastern Daylight Time) with silent sitting and includes the morning talk by Les, afternoon sitting and group dialogue. It's possible to stay as a guest at the Center during the All-Day and attend online using your own device. Registration for the All-Day Sitting and possible overnight stay can be made by contacting the receptionist at info@springwatercenter.org. Also contact reception with any questions you may have and for more details.

April 8 All-Day Sitting 

Please note that the April 8th in-person All-Day sitting with Stew Glick is full. Please contact reception at info@springwatercenter.org to be placed on the wait list.

Teachers Dialogue Online

Saturday, April 15 at 1:30-4:30 pm
In this event, the Center's teachers engage in meditative inquiry with one another and the online participants. Beginning at 1:30 pm with a 25-minute minute sitting, after a short break, two or more Springwater Teachers will then dialogue together about a specific theme or question. An open group dialogue in which all attending can take part will conclude the online event. Participants are welcome to submit a theme, topic or question for the teachers' consideration. This online event will be hosted in the same Zoom room as the daily sittings and Saturday programs. If you need that invite link, please contact reception at info@springwatercenter.org.

Four-day Retreat with Stew Glick April 21-25

In-person Only
This retreat is filling, but some spaces remain. It would be wise to apply soon if you wish to attend. 
As with in-person only retreats, Stew's daily talk is available to be heard live in the same Zoom room used for daily sittings and Saturday programs at no cost and no registration needed. If you need the link to the Zoom room, Contact info@springwatercenter.org
Stew's warmth, humanity and sense of humor shines through his talks and meetings with others. Named by Toni Packer as one of the people to carry on the Center's work, Stew served on staff at the Center since its inception until 2008 and at the Rochester Zen Center prior to that. He now lives in Rochester with his wife Lisa Schwartz. Together they hold weekly online meditative meetings in their home. 
Register for Retreat with Stew Glick

Seven-Day Retreat with Sandra Gonzalez and Wayne Coger May 13-20 

In-person and Online

Wayne and Sandra will alternate giving talks this retreat and both will be available for private meetings and group dialogues. The retreat is open to in-person or online attendance, and is sure to be popular. Please register soon for in-person attendance as space is limited. 
Wayne and Sandra worked closely with Toni Packer, the Center's founding teacher, for many years. She entrusted them with continuing the Center's meditative work. In addition to holding retreat, Wayne and Sandra take part in the Center's daily life, whether doing hands-on work or meeting with staff and guests. Their commitment to the Center and its work has been a mainstay over the decades. 
Register for Retreat with Wayne and Sandra

Online Offerings

Online events offer new possibilities for entering into meditation and dialogue with others. The schedule changes from time to time; please see the online offerings calendar for the current schedule of online sittings.
There are opportunities to sit, hear a talk and dialogue with others at afternoon Saturday Programs. The next Saturday Programs are April 1 and April 29, beginning at 1:30 pm with a sitting, followed by a recorded talk and group dialogue. Also, during in-person retreats, the daily talk can be heard live.
Online events are hosted in the Center's usual Zoom room. Contact reception at info@springwatercenter.org if you need the invite link to access the room.
Use this link to watch a video of a talk by Toni Packer played at the March 18 Saturday program. In this talk, Toni speaks of "Aware-ing," a word she found useful, that she borrowed from the Danish sage Sunyata. More talks by Toni can be accessed on the Center's YouTube channel.  
These online events are available at no cost, while donations are always appreciated to sustain the work of the Center.  Auto-debit options are also now available for your convenience.
Support Online Offerings

COVID Updates

In response to the dynamic nature of COVID, we make every effort to keep our website up to date with the most current information and requirements. If a change occurs for an event you are registered for, we will notify you with as soon as possible.
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