March 15, 2024 Friday Update
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March 15, 2024
Friday Update |
Good afternoon, colleagues. Here is this week's update from Academic Affairs.
Before proceeding with our regularly scheduled update, I’d like to pause to acknowledge and appreciate the many years, and often decades, of service of our CGS colleagues. We lament the many external factors that contributed to Monday’s announcement of the Waukesha and CGS closure, and know it is happening despite tireless efforts at providing excellent education to the Waukesha community. We have significant headwinds in front of us, so it is critically important for us to ensure we are doing all we can to retain the students we do have. An important part of this effort is Moon Shot for Equity and our work with EAB.
Our Moon Shot for Equity commitment focuses on implementing the most effective evidence-based strategies to impact student success. Last week, cross-campus stakeholders met with a visiting EAB consultant to advance work on aligning comprehensive supports and resources to provide coordinated care for students. This alignment includes enhanced outreach to students, faculty, and staff to increase understanding of the link between student mental health and academic success; we will also seek to drive expanded use of Navigate. Furthermore, our work included a discussion about a “stepped care” model. In this model, care – including self-help resources, peer support, online tools, and on- and off-campus therapy – is stepped up or down based on students’ changing concerns.
In addition, the EAB visit included expanded study of course and curricular outcomes, with a focus on DFW rates and excess credits accumulated by students. We recognize that course success may be influenced by multiple factors including student supports, classroom experiences, and the experiences of students themselves. Armed with this data, we are acting, with faculty and staff input, to design appropriate interventions. Your participation is appreciated and is critical to student and campus success.
I appreciate Monna Arvinen-Barrow (Rehabilitation Sciences and Technology), the lead editor of the second edition of Psychology of Sport Injury and Rehabilitation. The book was published in late January and is the first sport injury psychology book to comprehensively address both the biopsychosocial and sociocultural facets of sport injury psychology in a patient-centered, holistic, and interprofessional manner. Congratulations, Monna!
My appreciation goes out to both the Office of Dual Enrollment and the English Department for co-hosting an all-day conference on March 8 for 150 high school students taking UWM’s English 101 in their high schools. The conference was designed to provide students with new ways to understand and use rhetorical concepts that are central to the English 101 curriculum. Well done!
In honor of International Women’s Day last Friday, the Center for International Education (CIE) thanked its women staff members who collectively have more than 323 years of experience in the field of international education. These employees work diligently to support UWM students and scholars from around the globe.
Ramadan Mubarak! The holy month of Ramadan began on Sunday, March 10 and runs through Tuesday, April 9. Students benefit from the support of their colleges during Ramadan and can feel a sense of belonging when their traditions are honored. Learn more about Ramadan and how we can support our students, faculty, and staff who are celebrating the holiest month in Islam.
Advancing 2030 Plan Priorities |
Be On the Safe Side (BOSS) will be closed for Spring Break. BOSS will be closed from March 16 through March 24 and will reopen on Monday, March 25. The Prowl Line is on-demand only from March 16 through March 22 and can be requested by calling the Cambridge Commons service desk at (414) 935-6500. Ride requests can also be made via the service desk of any residence hall. Hours for the Prowl Line are 7 a.m.-midnight on weekdays, and 9 a.m.-midnight on weekends. Regular service resumes on Saturday, March 23.
A virtual workshop, “Introduction to Open Education Resources Adoption,” will be held on Wednesday, March 27 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The workshop will introduce faculty to open textbooks – a type of open educational resource (OER) – and the benefits these textbooks provide to students and instructors. These texts are free to use, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute. Information and registration.
A virtual roundtable, “Planning Your Publishing Career,” co-hosted by the English Department and Porchlight Books, will be held on Thursday, March 28 from 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. The panel will include local and national book publicity experts who will discuss their careers and offer advice for current students. Information and registration.
Two FAFSA Completion Assistance Days will be held in March and April. The UWM Multicultural Network, in partnership with the Student Success Center and the Multicultural Student Centers, welcome and encourage students to visit any of the centers on March 28 or April 25 from 12-4 p.m. for FAFSA assistance. More information.
In February, M-Cubed Partners MPS, MATC, and UWM held a news conference to encourage students to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson attended the event at Washington High School, along with graduating MPS seniors. Read more about the event and how M-Cubed is promoting FAFSA with an eye toward greater student success.
Call for Summer SURF Proposals—The UWM Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) invites applications for summer support for research collaborations with undergraduate students; applications are due April 1. Faculty/academic staff and students may co-apply for a Support for Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) award to provide a part-time hourly salary of $14/hour for the student to work as a research assistant. Application and instructions.
The 2024 Stahl Center for Jewish Studies Distinguished Lecture, “The Crime of Menticide: Antisemitism and Hate Speech in American Law,” will be presented by James Loeffler at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 11 in the Golda Meir Library 4th Floor Conference Center and on Zoom. More information.
A TechTraining course on Teams Calls Shared Numbers will be held on Tuesday, March 27 at 10 a.m. via Teams Live. Learn to manage a phone for another person or manage a departmental or shared phone. No registration is necessary. More information.
Records 101: An Introduction to Public Records, Records Management, and Open Meetings will be presented by Colleen Ference-Burke (Public Records Custodian), Derek Webb (Records Officer), and Jennifer Herzog (University Legal Counsel) on Tuesday, April 2 at 2 p.m. via Teams. More information.
The Joanne Lazirko Award for the Innovative Use of Learning Technologies recognizes innovation in the effective integration of learning technologies to promote student engagement and collaboration, active learning, and critical thinking. The Lazirko Award recipient will receive a $1,500 prize and be recognized at the Fall Awards Ceremony. Submissions must be made via email to Adam Fehring ( by April 19. More information.
The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Mental Health (CACMH) is currently seeking a faculty co-chair to help lead the committee’s work to promote positive mental health across the UWM campus. Established more than 10 years ago, CACMH has been instrumental in organizing and securing mental health support at UWM. The committee is also looking to engage faculty and staff members who have a passion for wellness and mental health. For more information, contact Carrie Fleider (
- “Making science exciting for 50+ years”—the UWM Science Bag is a community/outreach program featuring UWM faculty and offering FREE presentations. All shows are held in Lapham N103. Upcoming shows.
With appreciation,
Andrew P. Daire, PhD
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
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