Your gift today will double in value to share the Gospel further in 2018!
Your gift today will double in value to share the Gospel further in 2018!
Lutheran Hour Ministries
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Lutheran Hour Ministries is celebrating 100 years of ministry! Much of what will happen in the next 100 years depends on you.
And it can start today.
Your gift of support today
can be doubled – dollar for dollar – by a
$200,000 Matching Grant.
I Want to Double my Donation!
You can find out more about the Matching Grant — and program initiatives for 2018 — in this brief video.
You can share God's love with real people through these ministries, and much more:
  • Proclaim the Gospel to more than one million people every week through The Lutheran Hour online and over the radio.
  • Launch a new satellite television program in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Create innovative online courses and webinars to equip believers.
  • Reach those outside the church through new digital platforms like THRED. 
    I invite you to stand with LHM as we embark into the next 100 years of Gospel ministry. And better yet, your donation can double in value through the $200,000 Matching Grant.
    Thank you for carrying the Savior’s love to those around the globe.
    Your partner in His mission,
    Kurt Buchholz
    President & CEO

    Change Their World. Change Yours.
    This Changes Everything.
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