This year the corn grew high around Antigo, Wisconsin.
This year the corn grew high around Antigo, Wisconsin.
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
By Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
"Doing for Others"
October 20, 2016
(Jesus said) "And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them." Luke 6:31
This year the corn grew high around Antigo, Wisconsin. That's reason to give thanks.

On the other hand, 7-foot stalks of corn are not a good thing when a three-year-old boy decides to go exploring; which is what happened recently. It was a Saturday afternoon when the mother of Dyton Logalbo saw him wander into the cornfield. At the time she didn't think much of it. "After all," she said to herself, "how far can a three-year-old wander?"

The answer to that question -- "A lot further than anyone might think possible" -- is not the answer she wanted to hear.

Logalbo's mother went into the cornfield to recover her boy. She was confident that she would, in short order, find him and bring him out. It didn't happen that way. Her calm search soon became frantic, and her calls to the boy louder and more intense.

In fear and frustration she called the police who took up the search with helicopters, drones, and K9 units. The police turned up nothing.

Seeing all the brouhaha, the people of Antigo asked questions and found out that Logalbo was missing. Without any formal request being made by authorities, more than 500 people showed up to search for the prodigal son.

One of those searchers was Tom Andraschko. A father of two-year-old twins, Andraschko heard about the lost boy on a local radio station. He turned to his wife and asked if she thought they needed any help?

The wife replied, "Well, if it were your kids, how many people would you want to come?"

Around 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning, Andraschko found the boy. Logalbo was cold, he was scared, and he was wet, but he was just fine. His return was cause for a general rejoicing. It was also an occasion for the community sheriff to thank the people for their "caring and compassion."

Amen to that!

In encouraging her husband to join in the search, Andraschko's wife had rephrased the Savior. In effect, she had echoed the Savior's words, "And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them."

Amazingly, there were hundreds in Antigo who felt the same way.

Now I can't say all those folks did what they did as a thank You to the Savior who sacrificed Himself so their sins might be forgiven and, with Holy Spirit-given faith they might be saved. No, I can't say that at all.

But I can say, that Sunday, at an Antigo, Wisconsin, cornfield, the Savior must have smiled at so many who had caught on to what He meant.

By God's grace may many more believe in the Christ and learn to care for others as He did.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, there was nothing about me that caused the Savior to enter this world and do all that was necessary to save me. Even so, He came and I was rescued. Now, may I do what I can to thank Him by helping others. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 

In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible in a Year Reading: Jeremiah 6, 11-12; Acts 27:27-44
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